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It was Saturday. Boston woke up late due to lack of sleep at the night. He picked his phone to check his schedule for the day. He was supposed to be present at the shoot on the location sent to him by Khun Jin. His first project was a photoshoot of P'Gun, a popular artist of the company. He sat on the bed scratching his head. He was blank. 

He was hesitating to face Nick again after that day. He felt anxious and scared. But he had decided to go through and fight against everything that comes between him and his love. He lifted his head in a jerk. Getting his courage back, he scrolled through his phone to check out the location. It was in Kanchanaburi i.e. one and half hour away from the town. He sighed in distress as he would have to take a bus for such a long journey. 

When he saw the time, he realized that he was running late. He rose from his place to take a shower. One more time, he wore his best looking outfits and barged out of the house hastily. He walked faster to reach the bus stop. Arriving at the stop, he found out that he'd missed the bus for Kanchanaburi and now he was left with no source to travel. 

He ran to the road and  raised his hand to ask for a lift. He was waving his hand in the air until a truck stopped by. A surly tall guy peeped from the window of the truck. Boston moved further to talk to the truck driver. 

"Phi Khrub! Where are you heading to?" he asked curiously. 

"Out of the town!" the stiff guy sat on the driver seat replied coldly. 

"Can you give me ride to Kanchanaburi, please???" 

"I don't give rides to strangers, sorry. I just stopped to warn you to step aside from the road!" shouted the tall guy annoyingly and sneaked back his head inside. "Well! If you want to die, you can stand here!!!" he added loudly before driving away. 

"Shia!!!" Boston yelled, "How cruel are these people! Ahhh! Now what should I do?" He twerked his neck and threw his hands up. He leaned back when he was almost about to fall backwards on the road. He noticed people around  were looking at him because of his weird poses. He awkwardly smiled at them. Later, he went back to the middle of road when he saw a car coming from afar with a high speed. Suddenly the car stopped in a jerk right in front of him. He grinned; and ran towards it. Such a huge and luxurious car it was. Ton raised his palm to knock on the glass. His jaw dropped as the glass slowly slid down opening the car window. 

"Nickkkkkk!!!!!" he screamed. The man on the driver seat; also the owner of the fabulous car was Nick. 

Boston gulped; he glared at Nick for a while. The black sunglasses on his eyes and the cool attitude sparking from the face; he was looking different unlike that day, the casual half unbuttoned shirt exposing the necklace and the collarbone, half sleeved uncovering his biceps, the veiny hands resting on the car steering and the white shorts beneath. 

"Do you want to die before my car?" the hot young man turned to him, removed his sunglasses and spoke up. 


"What are you doing in the middle of street?" Nick continued asking when he got no reply from the blank guy standing beside his car. 

"Umm!" Boston hardly could speak, he was startled, shocked, pale, mesmerized by Nick's beauty, "I was asking for a lift!" he scratched his head hesitatingly, "I-I missed the bus for Kanchanaburi"

"Ahh! You're also coming today, right?" Nick peeped out of the window and gave him a strange look. "Wait! Don't you have a car?" 

"I have! But it's in Bangkok....." 

"I see!" Nick exclaimed, "So, what are you going to do now?"  

"I don't know! Maybe I get a ride from you..... You are going to the same destination anyways," Boston smiled ear to ear and said. 

"Like I have another choice...... Come, sit in the car!" Nick complained. 

Ton clapped his hands in joy and climbed in on the other side of the car. He opened the door and sneaked in the passenger seat. 

"Don't you think it's so dramatic how you came up to give me lift just when I needed help!! It feels like destiny, doesn't it?" Boston chattered while fastening his seatbelt. 

"Shut up! I stopped the car only because you were wavering in the mid-road like a psycho otherwise you would have been hit and dead. And of course, I have to give you ride because if you don't reach Kanchanaburi in time, my company would be in loss." Nick shouted at him; Ton looked at him with teary eyes. He realized how Nick wasn't bringing up their last conversation. 

"And by the way, since when did you start believing in destiny and all? You don't like drama, right!!" 

"I believe in everything for you!!" Ton whispered. 

Nick turned towards him with a sulky face. He rolled his eyes ignoring Ton and started driving. On the whole way, he didn't say a single word nor even looked at his uninvited passenger.

"By the way, I never thought you would have such an expensive car?" Ton raised a question randomly to kill the embarrassment between them. 

"Why? Am I not allowed to buy it?" Nick yelled plainly. 

"Not like that! I mean you were never into luxurious items!! You always loved using simple and low priced things......." 

Nick smirked after hearing Ton's statement but still didn't bother to look at him. He sighed and replied; "Actually you're right! Back then, I had indeed low standards as a reason I used to get attracted to cheap things and cheap people as well!!!" he moved his gaze towards Ton for a moment, "But now, I know my worth!!!" he said raising his voice, "So, I don't give a fuck about low grade people......Ohh! I mean cars." 

Boston turned red; he went tight-lipped immediately as he felt ashamed. He regretted asking the question. He dug his head into the car window pretending to be asleep for the rest journey. When they reached Kanchanaburi, the whole team had already reached before them. 

Nick leaped out of the car and headed towards their project camp that was installed specially for the photoshoot purpose. Boston followed him instantly. The camp was located beside the local river basin and few of natural props were grounded to give it a classic look. Nick approached his colleagues including Dan, who were waiting for him for a long time, to appreciate them for their hard work setting up the scenery of shoot. Their model, P'Gun was about to arrive at the spot.  Now, it was time for Boston to show his magnificent photography skills. 

Nick, being the admin manager, gave all the instructions to him strictly. Ton listened to him and kept nodding his head like an ox without any queries.  He was provided with a costly HD camera and a tripod set up. As soon as their model artist arrived, all the office men hurried their jobs meanwhile Ton kept staring at all the chaos holding the camera and tripod cluelessly. He rolled away his eyes; and stretched his arms upwards yawning loudly. He accidentally threw himself so hard that his left hand collided on the tripod. And Booooom!!!!!!!! The complete camera set up crashed down on the ground.......


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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