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Boston was so nervous as he was gonna meet Nick after so long. He wondered how Nick would react after seeing him. He had reached the GMM office so early in the morning. Before arriving, he made sure he wore new and well mannered clothes; black trousers, a white plain tee and a black leather jacket. He knew Nick would love this outfit. He tidied his hairs neatly and put on lip balm to look decent. 

When Jin screamed out Nick's name, Boston was startled. His heart suddenly started racing faster. He stood up in a jerk and turned back immediately. Nick, the love of his life whom he'd missed like hell, was standing in front of him! His eyes were sparkling when he looked at Nick. He saw the papers falling down from his hands. 

Nick slowly moved closer to him making his heartbeat race louder. He was expecting a long and thrilled expression from Nick. But Nick looked at him plainly. 

"Sawaddee Khrub, Khun Boston!" he heard Nick's voice. 

'Huh! Why is he talking to me politely? Maybe because his Boss is standing with us! I think he doesn't want to spill the beans to Khun Jin....' Boston thought in his head. Puzzled, he too, joined his hands and bowed. 

"Nick will now give a thorough explanation about our project so that you can understand your job well!" Jin said to Boston. 

"Don't worry, phi! It's my responsibility to guide him now," Nick interrupted his Boss's words and smirked weirdly at him. 

"That's great, then!" Jin exclaimed, "You guys can continue, I have to make an urgent call right now!" said he and proceeded to leave the cabin.  

Boston sighed after Jin left. Now, he could talk to Nick without any hesitation. He leaned closer to Nick and placed hand on his shoulder. 

"It's been long, right? How have you been, Nick?" he called out with a bright smile on his face. 

Nick slid away from him and went back to the door to collect the papers he'd dropped. He picked all the documents and placed them on the table in sequence. He then walked to the switch board which was on right side of the cabin and turned on the AC. Till then, he didn't speak a word while Boston kept looking at him silently. 

"So, this is the theme of our project!" Nick finally spoke. 

"Huh!!!!" Boston said in a confused state. 

"These are all the artists that are going to be a part of our project!" Nick said pointing at the copies kept on the table, he completely ignored Boston's remark. 

"All of them are from our agency only! This is P'Tay.......and this is P'Gun. That photo on your left is of .....Joong. He's the most handsome and popular artist in GMM," Nick continued his speech about the project, "So, Khun Boston! You have to do photoshoots of our artists with various themes and costumes. The photos clicked by you will be used for the promotion purpose of our movie...."

Boston kept starring at Nick cluelessly. He was confused how Nick ignored his question and suddenly started talking about work. 

"Ai Nick! What are you doing?" he yelled. 

"I'm explaining you the details of your job, Khun! Did you not understand?" Nick replied with a straight face. 

"I know! But why are you acting like we're meeting for the first if you don't know me!!!!!" 

"Do I have to know you?" Nick was replying like he'd recited all the answers. 

Boston was flabbergasted. He was completely not expecting this kind of treatment from Nick. 

"You don't really remember me? Huh!!!!" 

Nick smirked at him. He stretched his arms and twisted his neck. Then he proceeded to rest on the chair folding his legs. 

"I'm sorry, Khun! My memory is weak. I don't remember assholes in my life......" he said smilingly. Such a badass attitude, yeah!! My man was waiting his whole life for this moment.

"So that's how you are gonna treat me! Okay!!!" said Boston clenching his teeth. He knew that Nick was trying to get on his nerves but he needed to stay calm. He was on a mission here of winning back Nick's heart. He was ready for anything that would probably happen in the process of accomplishing his mission. He took a deep breath and resided on the chair opposing Nick. 

"Alright, Let's only talk about work........ Khun Nick!!!!!!!!" he exclaimed. Nick rolled his eyes to it. 

Then, they discussed about their project and all the other details. Until they finished, none of them looked at each other. Boston was afraid that he would speak out something rubbish, so he stayed looking at the papers. And Nick looked like he didn't care about anything else than work.

Later, they headed out of the cabin. Boston was clueless what to do so he just followed Nick to the cafeteria. Nick turned back at him and gave him a side eye. 

"What do you want, Khun?" he asked. 

"Ahhh! What should I do now? It's my first day at work so I don't know anything."

"Go and ask Phi Jin! Don't follow me", he replied arrogantly and moved ahead. Boston made a pouty face to his reply. He still didn't stop and went to the cafeteria. He saw that Nick was making himself a coffee. He immediately ran to help him. Yes, this was a good chance!! 

"Let me help you!!!" he blabbered taking the kettle from Nick's hand. 

"No thanks...... I can do it myself. I don't want anyone's help......" Nick shouted at him and snatched the kettle back from him. 

As he kept the water for boiling, Boston took out the coffee powder sachet. He searched for the mugs which he found in the rack lying on the table. He stretched his hand to pick up the mug when suddenly Nick held his arm. 

"I told you, can't you understand? I don't need your help....... please go!!!" He screamed. 

"How can I go leaving you here alone?" Boston softened his tone. He gazed into his eyes with tenderness.  He stepped closer to Nick and raised his hand to touch his cheek. Nick was staring at him keeping his straight face up. As his eyes met Boston's eyes, the whole flashback appeared before him. He instantly caught the hand before it could touch his face, and twisted his fingers with heavy force. 

"Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!" Boston couldn't breathe for a second. The pain he endured with the fingers was massive. He kept aching until Nick released his hand. His scream was so loud that Dan came running to them. He narrowed his eyes when he saw Nick and Boston standing close to each other. He rushed to Nick pushing away Boston. 

"Nick, what happened? Are you okay, jaa????" Dan grabbed Nick's face in both hands and asked him softly. 

"I'm okay, phiiiiiiiii! Don't worry......." Nick smiled at him and said. 

"Then who screamed?" 

"It was Khun Boston," Nick replied pointing at Boston, "He was trying to help me with the coffee but got hurt himself!" he laughed. 

Dan moved his gaze towards Boston who was looking at them furiously for a while. He wondered who this tall guy was and why he was caring too much about Nick. He felt he'd seen Dan before but couldn't recall where. 

"So you got hurt?" Dan asked Boston.

"A little maybe! Don't mind....." Boston said sucking at him. 

"Of course not! I came running because I thought Nick got hurt..... but my baby Nong is fine!!! Thank god!" he bluffed and started laughing. Nick laughed along with him.

"Come, let's get back to work, Nick!" Dan patted on Nick's shoulder. 

"Khrub, phi!" 

Boston saw them leaving through the door. He was blank....... 'Baby Nong???! What do you mean by that? Is he trying to declare his possession over Nick? Who is this guy? And why is he close to Nick? Is he hitting on Nick? I need to know!!!!' 

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