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He graduates from a renowned university of photography of US. Later he starts working as a freelancer in Los Angeles. Soon he gets clients who appreciate his work because of which he earns pretty well that he is able to rent a comfortable condo for himself. Everything is going smoothly since past two years but still Boston always feel like something is missing in his life. The fact is that he's not contacted any of his friends, Mew, Cheum or Ray in these two years though he sends them gifts sometimes. He earns a lot but has nothing to spend money for, he is able to buy luxurious food but has no one to eat with; he feel happy when his clients praise him but has no one to share his happiness with. That's when he starts to understand the importance of having a partner. Whenever he sees couples around him, he feels lonely.

All his life, he's being a fuck boy who cares for nobody. But now, he regrets all his deeds he did in past especially with Nick. Though he often makes out with random American guys, he still thinks about Nick all the time. He recalls all the sweet and sour moments he'd spent with him. These weird feelings which he never had in his life before, makes him realize that he's in love with Nick..... He was always in love with Nick. Just this bastard never understood that!

He decides to contact Nick and apologize for everything but he can't connect. So, he calls Ray to talk to Sand as he doesn't have Sand's phone number. But Sand starts cursing as soon as he mentions Nick on call. Sand warns him to stay away from his best friend and not to mess with his life again and hangs up aggressively. But Boston is Boston!!! Of course, he ignores Sand's warning.

After getting no information from Sand, Boston finally decides to leave his work in US and move back to Thailand. When he reaches Bangkok, he visits Nick's father's shop where he finds out that Nick has moved to Ratchaburi. He digs out all the information about Nick's company and his designation from IG. He finds out that GMM movies is in search of a new photographer....He applies with great hopes where the CEO immediately hires him after knowing that he's graduated and worked in US. So now, he has got opportunity to work with Nick for almost two months.

Will Boston be able to get Nick's apology and get his love back?

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