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"Don't worry, sir! I'll take care of it......thank you! Really thanks for cooperating."

He hung up the call with a big sigh. Finally, the long day that gave him so many shocks was over. Now, Nick was free to go home. 

"Ai Nick! You're done with the call?" a voice came from behind. 

"Yes phi! I talked to the client and he's convinced to work with us," Nick chuckled while talking to him. 

"Ohh finally I saw the smile on your face...... Now I feel relieved!!" Dan said patting his arm. 

"What do you mean, phi?" 

"You have been looking upset since morning! I was worried what happened to you!!" Dan shrugged. 

"No way! I'm totally fine....", Nick scratched his head and laughed hesitantly. 

"You seemed cheerful when we met in the morning but after you had meeting with that new employee, you looked pale. You didn't even have your lunch properly! You were not focused on the work either!!" Dan continued. 

Nick panicked; he got reminded of his encounter with Boston. His face dropped. All the day he had been avoiding him. He kept wondering why Boston was back in his life. Seeing him after so long was not really a big deal as Nick had completely moved on. His feelings for Boston were gone. Now, their relation was just of an employee and employer. No matter why and how Boston got hired in their company, Nick decided to not overthink about it. After all, Boston was now just a stranger for him. He was sure that he could manage working with him for two months. 

"I was just tensed about work, Phi Dan! Nothing else!! Don't worry about me, naa!!" Nick smiled ear to ear at Dan and said. 

"Okay my boy!!" Dan leaned closer and patted on his head making an eye contact. Nick smiled at him but slid back immediately. 

"So are you going home?" Nick asked. 

"Yes, what about you?" 

"Me too!" 

"Okay then, get home safely. I'm leaving now... My cab is waiting!" said Dan and headed out of the gate bidding good night to Nick. Nick waved his hand to say goodbye. He was also about to proceed towards the parking when he heard someone coming from behind. 

"You seem so close to him!!!!" 

Nick turned back with a doubtful look on the face. Boston was standing in front of him hanging his hands around his chest. 

"Excuse me, what??" Nick exclaimed. 

"I said that you are so close to your HR.... always chattering and laughing with him.... Right?" Boston stepped nearer to him. 

"Ahh! You mean, Phi Dan? Yes, we are. But why are you asking, Khun?" Nick replied calmly. 

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Even if he is, that's none of your concern....." Nick shouted. 

"Oiiii!!" Boston burst out with widened eyes.

"I think you shouldn't be asking me about my personal life, Khun."

"Will you stop calling me that?" Boston unfolded his hands and looked at Nick fiercely, "I'm so freaking annoyed by it! Just call by my name as usual."

"Sorry, sir. I can't do that! We are colleagues now..... Of course I need to maintain courtesy." 

"But we're now outside of the office..... You don't have to pretend like you don't know me..."  Boston frowned. 

"It's you who's pretending!!!" Nick yelled suddenly.  

And then there was a mere silence between them. Boston was staring at Nick so desperately. He tightened his fists stepping closer to Nick's face. 

"What do you mean by that?" He continued. 

Nick gulped, "You've been pretending like we're so close to each other!!" he pushed Boston in his chest, he raised his index finger to his nose; 

"Look!!! I... and You....are done! Done with each other for so long! So now, don't act like you know me, okay!!!!" he spilled aggressively.


"Let's just work together and end this! To be honest, I don't even want to see your face but I'm being polite with you just for the sake of business. So, let's just stick to it!!" Nick spoke up clenching his teeth. 

"Nick......." Boston couldn't utter a word. He kept sighing and gulping. He started sweating so hard. He wanted to explain the situation to him but words are getting heavier to speak. He bit his lips while taking longer breathes. He tried to hold his hand but Nick withdrew immediately. 

"See you tomorrow, Khun!! I hope you won't disappoint us with your work!" Nick lowered his tone and said calmly. He joined his hands and left the spot in a brisk. 

Nick straight went to the parking to get his car. He jumped in the car and drove furiously. His heart was pounding so hard. He wondered how hard he managed to confront Boston. He was breathing heavily though he tried to act cool. His hands on the steering were shivering. His eyes were all watery. His throat was dry. He was trying to focus on the road to distract himself from thinking about him. But he still kept thinking about Boston. He kept telling himself that he shouldn't fall for his tricks; doing the same mistake again. Ultimately, he burst into tears......

Boston kept looking at the door from where Nick vanished away from his sight. He stood there dejected, alone. He caught his head panicking. Tears rolled down his eyes. He regretted every single thing that he did in the past. Hearing those harsh words from Nick was such a slap on his face. He had never seen Nick being so cruel to him. He realized that he was the reason for the change in Nick's behaviour. He was sobbing! He shattered down on the floor.......

"Ai Nick! Don't go!!! Don't go from my life........" he kept murmuring, "Nick! I'm sorry! I was the worst.... Give me a chance, naa! I will make up for everything. I'll become a better person...... Nick! Nick!! Nick!!!!!" 

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