right eye blind

160 2 12

ella was just a lil silly gal. she always loved drawing. that one day... something happened to her, that would change her life forever.
she was in her home, when suddenly, she heard something. [CRACK!] it sounded like a bat hitting her door. then, her door opened. and... "WELL HELLO ELLA!" animatic said cheerfully. ella backed up to the back of her room. animatic was getting closer and closer. animatic grabbed her wrist and took her into the closet, she had one of those walk in closets. animatic grabbed a flashlight out, and shined it right in ella's eyes, temporarily blinding her. animatic turned the light off in the closet and closed the door. [poor ella...]
tw: screaming, crying, removal of one eye [not really], blood, tf, mc, ftm

ella could feel her arms getting numb, she couldnt really see since animatic had turned off the light. her arms were thinning out, crushing her bones. her legs got the same treatment. her hands had become black spheres, and so did her feet. her body was flattened, it felt like it was being pressed by a hydrolic press. then, her head had merged into her now flat body, her back felt like it was getting struck by lightning. she was sobbing and screaming for someone to get her out, but her now sphere hand pounding on the door sounded like a cat pawing at a door. she threw up blood, the last in her system. she felt something wrong with her eyes, she winced and blinked, her eyes were now simplified black dots, but, she couldnt open one of her eyes. that eye was stuck in the shape of an x. her mouth had also been simplified into a black line. she had backed up to the back of the closet now.

art :O

her hair was falling out rapidly, but she wasnt worried about that, as her [🗿] felt like it was getting flattened too. she was now genderless, but... she felt like a... male...?

"did i... make it out of that hell...?" he asked himself, then he noticed the voice change. "is it... over...AAAGHHH..." the physical transformation was done, now came the mental transformation.


Elep was grabbing at his band, remembering how that one day, he said he wanted to be a pirate, he didnt mean this! suddenly... that memory faded away as quick as cotton candy underwater.

Eyepa was sobbing as his old memories went out of his head, just like that, getting replaced with new ones, mark? who was that? friends? the only friends he had were happy meatbill. he had remembered competing in a show called "object fool".

Eyepatc was laying on the ground, groaning. his mental transformation was almost complete as well.

ella had died inside, now only Eyepatch existed. "huh? where am i? why cant i see??" animatic finally opened the door. "GAH!" eyepatch yelped. "hey! hey! calm it!" animatic grabbed eyepatch and took him off, to... somewhere.

next: sean ➡️ » s h i f t y

animatic battle tfs [pt 3: youll never know what you have till you lose it.]Where stories live. Discover now