i just popped in!

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Penelope was a very responsible girl. even though she was young, she still knew how to be responsible. little did she know, one day she would be fending for herself.


as she was walking home from going shopping, a figure popped up in front of her. "HEYA PENELOPE!" she yelped, and animatic grabbed her wrist and... [pop!] they were gone.

penelope woke up in a place she hadnt recognized. it was a field with... blue leafed trees? and the grass was... in the shape of triangles across that field? what the hell??

animatic stepped up to penelope, as she tripped and fell. she could see a red, yellow, purple, and white light shining in her eyes, temporarily blinding her. "what was... agh..." it was beginning.


penelope looked down, her clothes were becoming tight on her as her body changed shape. her body was changing color, it was turning into a popcorn bucket with red and white lines going down it. she felt something on her head. there was popcorn inside her now, but on top of her, was a hat, and headphones. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" penelore yelled out. her [🗿] had shriveled up into nothing, so popnelore was now genderless, but she still felt like a female inside. her arms and legs felt a sharp pain as they thinned out, becoming little black lines. her hands and feet had now become little black spheres. animatic was just watching, popnorn was scared for her life. blood pooled around her as her bones crunched inside of her.

her hair had all fallen out. her eyes felt weird, she blinked, and in their place stood 2 black beady dots. her mouth had also become a simple line. popcorn was complete... but... she still felt like penelope.


"is it... over?" popcorn asked. "doyoufeelokpopcorn?" animatic said too fast for her to understand. "what...?"

animatic was confused as to why popcorn still had her human memories. popcorn looked around and saw a LOT of other objects. she... felt as though she had a connection with all of them...

to be continued.

ima stop. part 4 is soon :p

woohoo 🥳🥳

animatic battle tfs [pt 3: youll never know what you have till you lose it.]Where stories live. Discover now