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tw: swearing

elise had been just a normal girl, she had been kinda mean tho. she gossipped a lot. she talked behind peoples backs, and... uhhhhhh but, one day, that would change.


one day, when she was walking home from finishing her soccer game, she had noticed a figure. it looked like a ball with limbs. she blinked, and then... [pop] "HEY ELISE!" animatic yelled. he was 3 inches away from her face. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!" elise yelled, and got thrown on the floor out of startlement. "you know what YOU would look good as? A ⏏️!" "a... what...??" animatic grabbed a flashlight, and it flashed blue and white in her eyes, temporarily blinding her and sealing her fate. "ACK! bitch, what was THAT fo-" the pain had begun.

tw: limb detachment, blood, normal tw warnings 😔

elise still on the ground, her arms and legs went numb. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" "oh, youll just have to see!" her throat suddenly felt sore. "...! ...?!" she had tried speaking, but suddenly, her voice had shut down entirely. then... her face slowly sunk into her head, she had suddenly lost all feeling in her body. her head suddenly snapped off her like a branch. you remember me saying her arms and legs got numb? well just then, they fell off of her, right there. then suddenly, she couldnt feel it, but her [🗿] had shriveled up into nothing, making her technically genderless, but... now she had felt like she was... a he? he had finally regained conciousness. "WAIT. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE."  his voice was no longer human, but was now a text to speech voice.

elise still had some of his hair, but it fell out of his now ⏏️ shaped body

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elise still had some of his hair, but it fell out of his now ⏏️ shaped body.


"hehe! eject, its almost over!" "WHAT IS OVAAAAAAAGGH." the mental tf.


Ejiset's memories of playing soccer, were fading away. just like that, he had forgotten what soccer was.

ejicet was laying there, in a pool of... what even was that? hm. memories of him and shifty building the Baby Stupid Jail came flooding back to him. "DAUNTE, DOLLY..." he was losing them, in the blink of an eye.

Ejecet was almost 100% transformed, and elise 99% gone. finally, elise was gone and Eject was where she was. "WAIT. WHERE AM I. ANIMATIC. WHATS GOING ON. " animatic picked him up and took him to where all the others were.

 " animatic picked him up and took him to where all the others were

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next, penelope ➡️ popcorn

animatic battle tfs [pt 3: youll never know what you have till you lose it.]Where stories live. Discover now