Part 4: Why Her?

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Aria's POV:

By the time I got back to my room the girl was already in bed watching TikTok's on her phone. What fresh hell is this, the school is going to wish they never made a mistake this big. I laughed to myself without even realizing the girl could hear me.

"What's funny?" Oh my god can she mind her business? "Am I not allowed to laugh?" I stare at her the way i stare at anyone that thinks they can just talk to me.

Surprisingly this doesn't make her turn over and forget she even asked "You know you don't need to treat everyone you meet like shit? I was just asking, fuck me" She finally rolls over but I couldn't even believe what I was hearing.

Who does she think she is? "Have you seriously already forgotten who I said my father was?" She doesn't acknowledge me.

After doing my skincare and messaging Dante (A guy from our brother school) I get into bed and Fall asleep to a show on my phone. I almost forgot Jaime was even here.

Jaime's POV:

The sound of my alarms wakes me to an empty room, Checking the time I realize I must of set the wrong alarm as I have under Half an hour to get ready and attend the yearly opening ceremony in the hall.

Luckily I wear very light makeup that skipping it won't really make a difference. After washing my face and putting on my uniform I had 9 minutes to get halfway across the school until it was 7:30 and the assembly would be starting.

Aria's POV:

Dante stares at my lips as the smoke from his half lit cigarette moves around the two of us.

"she doesn't sound too bad" he mutters. "who knows you may need to expand your social circle, especially if you want your father to get off your back"

I laugh "i'm not going to support some charity case just to get back on my fathers good side." Dante's sweet, he's not like half the guys i mess around with.

silence falls around us, the local park fogged up and quiet. Dante messaged me when I woke up, asking me to come meet him at the park, the one separating our schools for a cigarette before our shared assembly.

We both decided to sit on the swing set.

"Aria your stubborn but you're not that stubborn" he smiles. He's too good for me.

"I just don't get why I have to be fighting for my fathers attention" I sigh, I notice Dante shifting in the swings seat uncomfortably just to face me.

"you've had his attention your entire life I don't think him wanting you to have some independence is a bad thing"

"I guess."

Jaimes POV:

Surprisingly I managed to get to the assembly on time, wrapping up my skincare skipping over the less important steps of my intensive routine.

When i entered the hall I was greeted by my year levels coordinators directing me to my seat.

The hall was separated into two sections, our school on the right and the boys on the left.

The hall was bigger than a average apartment buildings floor. Almost bigger than the dining hall from Hogwarts.

As I made my way down the middle isle I found my seat in the front row.

sitting down I can't help but notice the two girls I was between. One girl had long silky black hair, she was of asian descent with soulful black eyes. The girl to my left had her brown hair tied up in plats falling perfectly on her shoulders, she also had a nose piercing.

The brown haired girl picked up on my looking at the two and shot me a joyful smile.

"Oh my god you're so pretty!" I smiled back at her. Finally someone around here that's nice.

"thanks you too" I say almost awkwardly

"I'm Valarie, and that's Alex" She says pointing over to the black haired girl next to me.

"I'm Jaime" I look over at Alex and smile

Alex looks over at me "So you're new?"

"Yeah I got a scholarship last year for some science classes" For some reason my heart was beating almost right out of my chest.

"So i'm assuming you're confused about where to go and what classes you have?" Alex gets excited almost as if she was happy to meet someone new.

"A bit I mean I have my schedule on my laptop but there's so many class room numbers and it's so hard to decipher my class codes." I chuckle

Valarie chimes in "classes actually don't fully start until tomorrow, it's basically just a transitional day for new students alike" she sighs "So me and Alex would be happy to give you a tour, Find your locker and rooms for the semester?"

I almost feel myself ease into the cushion of my chair as I release a sigh of relief. "I would love that"

Just before Alex could chime In the principal walks onto stage beginning the Assembly.


So annoyed at myself for not uploading regularly for this story! Going to start trying to get on schedule with everything.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

thanks for all the support and 41 views!

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