Part 7: Night

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Arias POV;

I can't believe my Father would break my trust like that.

After grabbing some dinner (which the school provided) from the cafeteria I asked Ava to leave me be and I made my way back to my dorm.

Unlocking the door to my surprise jaime wasn't there. Thank the heavens above. I plan to avoid her at all costs if avoiding her is even possible.

I decided to take a moment to breathe and unpack, seeming I didn't think this arrangement would be permanent I didn't fully get everything out.

I didn't even put on my sheets, I know gross.

After around half an hour of organising my closet and desk I opened my phone.

5:30pm, where the hell is jaime? not that I care, I just assumed a scholarship student would be back by now.

Jaime's POV;

It had been close to an hour since we left the park and made it back to Valerie and Alex's dorm room.

Since then we've chilled out, talked about our schedules and so on.

Me and Valerie are in 3 classes together compared to 1 class with Alex.

Although I don't know the girls very much they're nice and its comfortable being around them. I've always struggled making friends, especially at my old school. I just never really talked to anyone.

Never really Dated any one either, I've just never really taken an interest to any of the guys.

After another ten minutes I decided to go back to my dorm, with the nerves of first classes I'd rather be in bed and asleep.

"See your tomorrow jaime" Alex waves and I wave back, Valarie throws in a little smile as I leave.

By the time I got back to my room I completely forgot about Aria.

She hadn't left and now she's staring at me from the other side on the room with a frown, seems like we agree on one thing.

We both don't want to be here together.

"So i assume you weren't able to change rooms." Honestly don't even know why I asked it was pretty obvious and I didn't even want to speak to her.

I just hate awkward silences.

Rolling her eyes she rolls over in her bed to face the wall "Nice one sherlock." with a huff she puts in a pair of headphones and goes back to ignoring my presence.

Ugh I'm never going to get used to the rooming situation, I could make a complaint and get my rooms changed but I don't even want to imagine how she's going to feel about a complaint being filed against her.

Arias POV;

This girl is the most irritating person i've ever met, of course I didn't get my rooms changed why else would all my shit be unpacked and why the fuck would I be around you.

I can't even explain why she annoys me, ever since i saw her in my room acting all smart giving me her "room details" she's been a massive headache I can't seem to get away.

My phone buzzes, and I read out Dante's message pausing my music.

'I'm outside can i sneak in?' Dante. He's sweet but silly, Jaime would one hundred percent snitch on us to the coordinators.

'No you can't my roommate will absolutely snitch'

A few guys from herrington introduced me to Dante over the holidays, we've been talking ever since. As much as he's a good fuck, he's actually a really nice chat. I can tell he wants to be more than friends with benefits, but ever since my last relationship I just haven't been able to.

'I'm coming up, she won't snitch the moment she sees how charming I am. Anyways I want to see why you hate this jaime girl so much'


thank you guys so much for 140 reads and 9 votes 🤍

I appreciate your support so much, Next chapter may be a little longer of a wait but it is being written currently.

Hope you liked this chapter let me know what you think x

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