09. the real weapon

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09; the real weapon

The next night, the whole team met for a run down of how they were going to take down Schmidt and his army. So far, the only information they had was from Dr. Zola. Colonel Phillips stood at the maps while the Howling Commandos, Howard and Peggy sat at the table. Evelyn and Steve were at the top, the two top guns of this operation.

"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bughouse." Evelyn rolled her eyes. Of course he did. "He thinks he's a god and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA."

"Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities." Stark reiterated. "You saw what his doctor did to Evie. He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire Eastern Seaboard in an hour."

Evelyn tensed. "That's comforting," she muttered before returning to the job at hand. "How much time we got?"

The Colonel gave them a sigh. "According to my new best friend, under 24 hours."

This plan seemed to be unraveling fast. "Where is he now?" she asked.

"Hydra's last base is here..." he showed them a picture of a mountainside. "in the Alps, five hundred feet below the surface."

Jim scoffed when he looked at the picture. "So what are we supposed to do? I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door."

Steve's voice finally piped up. "Why not?" everyone turned to him in confusion, Evelyn included. "That's exactly what we're going to do." he smiled to Evelyn but it dropped once he realised she was not happy.

Once the Colonel dismissed them Evelyn had taken off to the back of the records room to pace. This mission, the stakes were too high, a lot of bad things could happen. She knew something in her serum was making her unable to kill Zola, Colonel Phillips told her, what's to say it didn't stop her from killing Schmidt? It would be smart, to create essentially a safety switch for your perfect weapon around your boss so it didn't harm him.

She would be useless.

Peggy knocked on one of the shelves. "Eve? Stop doing this, you're starting to worry us."

"Sorry, just collecting my thoughts."

"Yeah, you've been doing that a lot lately too." Peggy stepped closer. "Is it because of James, like I said it was neither yours or Steve's fault-"

"I'm not thinking about Bucky, Peggs."

"Then what are you thinking about. And please don't say nothing, that's highly annoying."

Evelyn huffed. "Just...the weight of what's about to happen. I mean it's a lot to take in."

Peggy nodded. "Yes, it is, but you don't have to go through it alone, neither does Steve, who is wondering if you are okay at the moment." Evelyn smiled, shaking her head at Steve's worry.

"Tell him I'll be out in a moment." her friend gave her a quick hug before returning to the meeting, but stopped at the door.

"Oh, Katherine's daughter wanted you to sign something, it's on your desk." Peggy said with a knowing, fond smile. Evelyn made her way over to the desk and searched for what the kid wanted to have signed. She already had a pen in her hand, twirling it between her fingers but it fell to the floor when she saw it.

It was a comic book with a cartoon version of her on the cover with the title: Lieutenant Liberty and Her Daring Adventures! Evelyn grinned, biting her lip before signing the book with a flourish. She knew she was in Steve's comic book as a secondary character, more of a love interest than anything but to have her own comic book, that was big deal for a woman. She was becoming her own superhero, just like her mother always wanted her to.

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