01. the soldier

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01; the Soldier

"Recruits, attention!"

The ever not so friendly voice of Evelyn's colleague and friend, Peggy Carter sounded throughout the army base of the SSR. Evelyn stood not too far behind her, surveying the new recruits with cold calculating eyes. Now, she is not cold or calculating, far from it, she just liked to mess with the mens head, especially the ones that thought it was acceptable to hit on her, which has happened before.

"Gentlemen, I'm Agent Carter, this is my associate Agent Mason. We supervise all operations for this division."

Evelyn couldn't help but feel a small bit of pride when she spoke this. Soon after her father's suicide Evelyn didn't want anyone to suffer like he did. So, when Adolf Hitler had his sights set on controlling the world, she knew many people would become like her father; good people who's sadness controlled them. She wanted people to be free. Free of a reign of terror and depression. That's why she joined the army, to get freedom for her country and the rest of the world.

As she handed clipboards to the men, outlining what they would be doing, a man spoke. "What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?" her grip tightened on the clipboard she handed to one soldier. "I thought I was signing up for the US Army."

Peggy was about to say something, but Evelyn held an arm out to signal she wanted to handle this. "You are, but everyone is entitled to join, show some respect to your superiors."

"Who died and made you queen?"

She flashed him a sickly sweet smile, standing before him. "I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name."

The man shifted into a cocky stance, one that made her blood boil. These were the kind of people she thought shouldn't join the army. "Gilmore Hodge, your Majesty."

She crooked her finger in a 'come hither' motion. He complied and chuckled with arrogance. "Hm. We gonna wrassle? 'Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like."

She cocked an eyebrow. "Really, I've got a few too, wanna see them?" she didn't wait for a reply, instead her foot made contact with his groin, sending him to the ground in a pathetic pile. The line of men hissed, feeling the pain of Hodge. Only one man chuckled. Behind her, Peggy placed a hand on her shoulder, taking her away from the line once the Colonel had entered the base.

"Agent Mason, Carter." he greeted with a stern voice.

Both women saluted him. "Colonel Phillips." they said in unison. Evelyn fixed her hair, something Colonel Phillips noticed.

"I can see that you are breaking in the candidates." she expected to get berated, but she was wrong. "That's good!" he looked at Hodge who was scrambling to the ground. "Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand on that line at attention till somebody comes and tells you what to do."

Hodge sniffed, squaring his shoulders. "Yes, sir!"

The Colonel began to walk, speaking in a tone that was both intimidating and inspirational. "General Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men." he looked down the line. "We are going to win this war because we have the best men." the man hesitated for a moment, catching a glimpse of a very scrawny man. Evelyn frowned at him, he was no more than five foot four and he stood there like he was six feet tall, he didn't exactly scream soldier. "And because they are gonna get better, much better."

Some men smirked and Evelyn had to roll her eyes, they were so full of themselves, why couldn't men just serve their country because they wanted to. "The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an Allied effort made up of the best minds in the free world. Our goal is to create the best army in history."

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