11. cut off a head

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11; cut off a head

It was over. The war was over.

Not long after the demise of Hydra did Hitler kill himself and end the war. It was safe to say the world was overjoyed. But the thing that many people didn't know was that the only reason that the war could've been won at all was Steve's sacrifice, otherwise the entire eastern seaboard would be no more. People seemed to gloss over that slightly, they knew Captain America died in combat but not really how he died.

To celebrate, the Howling Commandos had decided to go to a pub, it was also the first proper time they would get to honour Steve in everything he had done for the world. Evelyn had tagged along because, on top of the whole celebrating the war being over, she felt she needed this.

Oh how wrong she was.

They arrived at the bar to find it thronged with jovial crowds. It took Falsworth nearly too long to get to the bartender so he could order drinks. While looking for a place to sit, a man bumped into her. "My apologies." he spoke, looking at her with a smile. "With all these people it's hard not to bump into people."

"It's fine," Evelyn said, a little awkwardly. "Could happen to anyone."

The man lifted up a finger. "Hey, you're Lieutenant Liberty aren't you?"

"Yep, that's me."

"I work in the bar, how about I get you a free shot on the house?"

This time she actually smiled. "Thank you, that's very kind."

"The least I could do for a war hero."

War hero. The name didn't sound all too pleasing to her ears. Hero made it sound glamourised when the war was anything but glamorous. It was dirty and grim and a lot of times gory. True, what they did was heroic but no soldier saw themselves as one. That set her back in her awkward mood but she continued to the small table the boys had found for them. Their drinks were already on the table and that made Dugan frown. "Where's yours Ev?"

"On it's way, bartender is getting me one on the house."

Elliot scoffed playfully. "Well excuse me princess," the team laughed as Evelyn pushed him playfully, rolling her eyes.

The minute they saw her drink come to them each man held up their glass. Falsworth stated sadly. "To the captain." clinking their glasses together, they all downed their drinks, the alcohol burning down their throats.

Then everyone was engrossed in their conversations but Evelyn couldn't help but feel distracted. Her drink had been very strong, too strong for her liking and now her head was starting to feel fuzzy. She couldn't be getting drunk, it was impossible, the serum prevented that. She blinked a few times, trying to rid herself of the black spots now starting to dance in her vision. What did catch her eye though was the bartender, who was staring at her intently. She locked eyes with him and frowned, shifting uncomfortably in his piercing gaze.

Without thinking, the Mason girl coughed. It was rough and tore at her throat but it didn't clear her throat so she coughed again. Nothing happened. Jim looked at her in concern. He asked if maybe she wanted to get a drink of water which she agreed to. She rose from her seat, wobbling a little before she made her way to the bar. About half way she had to stop and lean against an adjacent table and catch her breath, coughing even more. It felt like her lungs were on fire and the more she tried to suck in air, the more she seemed to reject it.

A hand lay on her shoulder, Evelyn looking up to see the bartender from earlier. He wore a look of confusion and concern. "Lieutenant, are you alright?"

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