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1 year later

"Code 13! All agents we have a code 13."

The agent, tending to Evelyn's tests, perked up at the voice sounding around the PA system. She dropped whatever she was doing and collected her gun, telling the Lieutenant to stay where she was until instructed further. She waited for a period of time before the curiosity ate away at her and she quietly snuck away and went to investigate.

The hallways were relatively empty, expect maybe a few agents here and there. There was a group forming around a wall that had been smashed to pieces. It seemed as if someone had broken out of their room. She stayed a little way away from the group, in case she attracted attention and had to be told to go back to her room. This still gave her a chance to survey the scene. It didn't look like someone had blown it up, it looked like someone had ran at it. This person seemed to be extremely strong, and she knew only one person who could do that.

"Lieutenant Mason," her heart jumped as the voice came up behind her. She turned around to see an agent wearing sunglasses smiling at her. "My name is Agent Coulson. You have to come with me, right now."

He didn't give her time to answer, instead put his hand on her back and lead her out of the facility. She was ushered into a car, all the while feeling more and more confused. Why did they need her?

And so she asked him. "Do I need to neutralise a threat or something?"

"He's not a threat." Coulson verified, looking straight ahead. "I would assume he's scared."

Evelyn stayed silent for the rest of the trip, watching the world around her with a heavy heart. She had only slightly experienced what life was like now. The biggest problem was the people. Everyone only saw her as Lieutenant Liberty, a woman out of time. She hasn't had a moment of peace since she awoke from her coma.

In front of them, a dozen cars were chasing after this escapee. He must've been very important if they were making such a big deal over this. They ended up in times square, surrounding the person in a circle. "Follow me," said Coulson, disappearing into the crowd now forming. She did as she was told, hoping she was going to get some answers.

"At ease soldier! Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there. But we thought it best to break it to you slowly." Evelyn listened to Nick Fury speak to the man who was looking around frantically.

The man spoke but she couldn't hear him. Nick answered him. "You've been asleep, Cap. For almost seventy years."

Evelyn nearly felt herself faint, her heart beating out of her chest. Cap. Fury called him Cap. This couldn't be possible, she had to find out who this was. Ignoring Coulson's protests she ran through the barrier of agents. Fury asked him was he going to be okay the moment she broke through into the inner circle. The man's back was facing her but Fury noticed her and nodded. "Yeah," she barely heard the man say as she edged closer to him. "Yeah. I just...I had a date."

She tapped him on the shoulder. "Have, soldier, the word is have." the moment he turned to face her, his confused, sad eyes lit up. Evelyn couldn't help but giggle. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. So, she decided to do something she had been waiting to do for a very long time. Grabbing his short in her fists she dragged him down to meet her lips. His reaction was immediate and enthusiastic as the two grinned into the kiss. His arms curled around her back, lifting her up. Their lips detached and the two just held each other. "I've been wanting to do that for awhile." she whispered.

Steve just laughed, hugging her a little tighter.


They were left to go home(well, to the apartment they had been given), to have some peace and settle in. Evelyn was a little more aquatinted with the place but with Steve there it felt a little more homely.

As she put her stuff away, music echoed off of the walls. She didn't know the song, probably some new one, but she liked how it went. Evelyn returned to the main sitting room and leaned against the door as she watched Steve panic as he tried to turn off the new radio they had acquired. Even though she was going through it herself, she couldn't help but laugh as he kept messing with buttons that only turned the volume even higher.

"Uh," he stuttered once he noticed her. "this is a lot different then a vinyl."

She nodded. "You should've seen me, I was like one of those dancers from your tour who couldn't work the canons." he smiled fondly, remembering the memory, but then it changed to a slightly sad one as they dwelled on it. That was a long time ago, a time they should've been apart of.

Steve took hold of her hand, lacing their fingers together, listening to the song roll onto a soft melody. "We'll get through this, we've gotten through worse."

Evelyn spun on her heels, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Always the optimist, Steve." a hand came to rest on his cheek, stroking it slightly. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

A smirk began to form in his lips. "You joined the army,"

They both chuckled at his response, earning him a peck on the lips. "Idiot," she murmured, biting her lip softly.

The two super soldiers were so wrapped up in their own little world, the big bad world of tomorrow felt like a spec of dust. Steve was right, they would get through this together, because they worked that way. And if you asked them if they wanted to go back, of course they would say yes. But the obviously fact stuck out like a sore thumb.

They can't go back.


( not edited )

A/N: screams this is over, I'm so happy and sad at the same time what are emotions!?!?!

I just wanted to say again how unbelievably thankful I am for all the support this story has got and I hope all of it will be there for the sequel, details will becoming soon if you would like to know. (Ps the title of the sequel is in this can you guess it? Winner gets virtual cookies)

So yeah, this story is done, so for the last time:

Comment, vote & follow - emma

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