Chapter 9

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ज़िंदगी की राहों में खो जाओ,
खुद को खोकर एहसास बन जाओ।

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"Wtf...are you doing in here?" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls.

This is first thing he spoke as soon as he entered the room, eyeing his room.

His bedroom, was decorated with rose petals and dim lighting, a typical setup for a romantic evening.

Lakhilya jumped from the bed her spine jerk straight.

Vikrant's head snapped up. He saw her in his bed, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts. This was his sanctuary, the one place where he could be alone. The sudden intrusion felt like an invasion.

"V-vik—" Lakhilya started, her voice soft and tentative.

But Vikrant didn't let her finish. "Lakhilya, what are you doing in here?" he snapped, his voice louder than he intended. "This is my room. Can't I have space of my own?"

Lakhilya was taken aback by the harshness in his tone. She had expected awkwardness, maybe even indifference, but not this anger.

"I... I'm sorry," she stammered, her eyes wide with hurt. "Naina.....and Priya....said...this room. And Ma...said we should understand...each other...first."

"Those punks."

Vikrant's face hardened as he saw the hurt in her eyes, he hates cry babies.

Vikrant's anger turned into something uglier. His voice dripped with venom as he spat out his next words.

"Understand me? Or are you just here to get your hands on my money? Isn't that it, Lakhilya? Your money hungry family send you here to secure their future at my expense?"

Lakhilya's eyes widened in shock. "What? No, Vikrant, how can you say that? I would never—"

"Save it," Vikrant cut her off, his face twisted in rage. "I don't need a gold digger prying into my life, pretending to care. I know your type. You come in, act all sweet and innocent, and then bleed me dry."

Lakhilya felt like she'd been slapped. She had known this marriage would be challenging, but she had never expected such baseless accusations.

"Vikrant, that's not true. I'm here because our families wanted this, because they believed we could make a life together."

"Well, maybe they were wrong," Vikrant said coldly. "Maybe this whole thing was a mistake."

Lakhilya took a step back, her heart breaking. "I thought we could build something together, Vikrant. I wanted to try."

He gripped her arm pushing her to the couch. "I'm warning you, Lakhilya. Don't you ever interfere in my private space."

Tears welled up in Lakhiliya's eyes, but she blinked them back. She nodded slowly, "I understand. I'll give you your space," she whispered.

Vikrant threw a pillow and blanket in her direction. "You'll sleep in the couch till we are here. As soon as we'll move to my penthouse, you'll get your own room."

"And don't you dare to say anything to my parents. This matter should be kept in between only two of us." He warned her.

She nodded "Can...i use...the washroom?" She asked hoping he would agree, she can't sleep in the couch with this heavy dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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