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Y/n : BUT WHY HIM , DAD???? ( shouted )

Y/dad : he has powers more than us , he has the potential to fight with them so it's necessary to collaborate with him. ( Said calmly)

Y/n : potential my foot , he is the most annoying person in the whole world , he is a fucking bitch .

Y/dad : mind your words ( sternly) , you don't know nothing about him that's why you are saying this. His security is more developed than us , he used most updated version of software, he has most powerful weapons, we need his help.

Y/n : we also have many developed things and I believe on our men , I can guide them , WE DON'T NEED THAT MOTHERFUCKER'S HELP ( said while going away)

Y/dad : I did not make you mafia queen till now , I'm the boss here so you have to listen to me till then. He will come here at 4 pm , be ready at sharp 4 pm ( while looking down on his file)

Y/n closed the door with a loud thud.

Y/n : UGHHHHHH!!! HE SURELY DID SOMETHING BLACK MAGIC ON MY DAD , HE NEVER TALKED ME WITH COLD TONE , I'LL KILL YOU KIM!!!!! ( stomped her feet while going towards her room)

Here is a little introduction of this story :

Y/n is the daughter of mafia , she is her dad's princess. Her father hold the 2nd place in mafia where the 1st place is hold by none other than Mr. Kim Taehyung , he is the most powerful mafia. Y/dad has lots of enemy but Michael is both y/n and taehyung's enemy. Right now Michael is planning to destroy y/dad. That's why y/dad wanted help from Taehyung, he loves tae because of his nature. He thinks that Tae has the aura which a mafia King should hold. But y/n thought him as a annoying person because he annoy her since childhood. There is no rivalry between Kim's and y/dad but y/n made Taehyung her rival. But she had a little bit crush on him , who should not? Y/n thought that he annoy because of his good looks . But we don't know the reality, right?

Y/n went to her room and plopped on bed.

Y/n : hufff!! I don't know what dad think about that brat? He is so annoying but he is handsome also ( blushing)

No no y/n ,what are you thinking? Have you gone mad? He is your rival don't forget that ( slapped her cheeks)

What time is it? Oh no it's past 3 , I have to get or else dad will scold me infront of him.

She went to get ready for today's mission. Actually they are going to kidnap Michael , then his men will not get any information of destroying y/dad. And as per mafia's rule his men can't do anything without their leader's permission.

At 4 pm ,

Y/dad was sitting on drawing room while checking a file , then a young man came.

? : hello , uncle!

Y/dad : ( looked at him) hello Taehyung , is everything set?

Taehyung : everything is perfect, but where is your lovely daughter ( sarcastically) ?

Y/dad : ( laughed) why you both are like this? She will come soon , just wait for some -

Y/n : no need to wait , I'm very punctual about time ( rolled her eyes )

Taehyung : ( went to her and whispered into her ears) you can only roll your eyes only bed sweetheart , I'll like to see you whimpering under me ( smirking)

Y/n : ( smirk back ) in your fucking dream .

Taehyung : ( smirk) let's see.

Y/dad : you guys can bickering later , now go you both are going on a mission so focus on that ( coldly) . And yeah don't forget to wear bulletproof jacket to underneath.

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