office colleague

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Y/n is getting for a party of her boss's weeding anniversary. Her boss invited everyone of his office, his business partners, share holders etc. She was doing her makeup.

She looked at herself in the mirror.


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/n's dress

Y/n : everyone will get a heart attack after seeing me ( she laughed). How can you be so pretty y/n-ah?? You will attract every man's attention towards you ( she was talking to herself) .

Then she throw a flying kiss towards her reflection in mirror and took her clutch and went towards the main door.

She sat on her car and the driver started the car. She reached the party hall.

She saw her boss and went towards him , he was talking with his business partners.

Y/n : congratulations Mr Shin for your 15th Anniversary.

Mr. Shin : thank you y/n , oh Mr . Lee she is Han y/n , managing director of our company.

Y/n : hello sir.

Mr Lee : hi Miss Han.

Mr. Shin : y/n , please enjoy yourself.

Y/n : thank you sir.

On her way she saw her boss's wife , she went towards her, congratulated her and talked with sometime.

Then she went towards the drinking section and saw her colleague.


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Y/n : hey , Hyungshik.

Hyungshik : hi y/n , wanna have something?

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