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Introduction :

Han y/n married to Seoul University's professor Kim Taehyung. It was an arrange marriage, they both agreed for this no one is forced to this. They both went for several dates before marriage eventually started to liking each other then the liking convert into love. They are married for 6 and half months, y/n is a simple housewife. Taehyung is little possessive towards her , and whenever he gets possessive he do it with her but not without her consent, y/n also love her husband's possesive nature.

Main story :

Y/n is preparing lunch for her husband as today is half day in his college so he will come at afternoon. She heard the door bell rang.

Y/n : it must be tae ( smiling)

She went towards the door , but got confused to see a boy is standing instead of taehyung.

Y/n : yes how may I help you?

Taehyung's pov :

Today I'll go home early and will spend time with my lovely wife ( smiling) . From past week I couldn't gave her time because of this exam of final year students , as I'm the head of the department I have to make the question papers and so many things. Now I'll take her for a dinner date at night and will take care of her tomorrow as tomorrow is Sunday. She will be happy ( smiling) .

Author's pov :

While thinking about this he did not notice that something fall from his hand . He went away from there.

But a student saw that something fall from Taehyung's hand , he went there and pick up that thing.

Boy : oh no! It's the register paper of the third year students. I think Mr. Kim mistakenly fell this , i should give this to him.

He started to run towards the exit , but in that time Taehyung sat on his car and started his engine .

Boy : Mr. Kim ?? Mr. Kim!!

But Taehyung couldn't listened to his words because he already left .

Boy : if Mr. Kim did not have this then how will he check the papers? Tomorrow is Sunday I can't give him tomorrow so I have to give him today. And for that I have to go to his house.

That boy took his cycle and started to go towards Taehyung's house. But tae took another turn to buy chocolates and flowers for y/n that's he did not go to his house.

The boy went to Taehyung's house and rang the bell. Someone opened the door.

Let's continue from where we left y/n at the door step.

Boy : hello, good afternoon.

Y/n : good afternoon.

Boy : is this Mr. Kim Taehyung's house?

Y/n : yes?

Boy : actually I'm student of Seoul University . Is Mr. Kim present here?

Y/n : no actually he did not come till now.

Boy : okay. Mmh who are you ?

Y/n : I'm Kim y/n , Kim Taehyung's wife.

Boy : oh hello ma'am!! ( Bowed down)

Y/n : hello ( smiling)

In this time Taehyung also came but he was parking his car , he saw that y/n was smiling with a boy , his possessiveness occurred.

Taehyung : ( mind ) why y/n is smiling with that boy? Wait a minute he is familiar to me!! Ah , he is my student, what is he doing here? Is y/n know him ? ( Raising his eyebrows)

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