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I didn't see much when I was flying. I slept mostly. Getting off the plane was easy, its finding a woman I've never met. I glanced around the people who were patiently waiting for a loved one or even friend to pop out from the crowd. I took my time getting to the baggage claim to find my two bags. I wasn't in any rush to find her. Sometimes, day by day it makes my mothers death seem even more real than it already was. I didn't know this woman and yet I was suppose to trust her. My mom trusted her, but they knew each other for years. I haven't even heard her name before. I sighed as I spotted my luggage coming around. I grabbed my navy blue suitcase and black duffle bag off the conveyor belt. As I turned I noticed a fierce pair of dark ocean blue eyes staring at me. They belonged to a tall woman. She had short wavy brown hair that barely touched her shoulders.  I watched her study me, and finally her eye contact connected with mine. I didn't know who she was, oddly enough I felt like i knew her for ages. The woman began to walk straight towards me. I stood there, just watching her glide through the crowds of people. Once she reached me, there was a bit of an awkward silence before she reached her hand out.

"I'm hoping you're Em? I'm Sarah. " she smiled, her dimples popped out as she waited for me. I grabbed her hand I gave her a soft smile. I wasn't sure what to say, it felt awkward to be here. Weirdly enough she alone made me feel a little more safer.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm sorry, this all is a bit overwhelming." I spoke, rubbing my hands together. Sarah watched me fidget around a bit. She shook her head, and grabbed my suitcase from my hand and began to walk. I followed closely behind her with my other bag.

"I'll take you right home then. I set your room up, I didn't do much because I assume you'd like to decorate it to your own liking. You're very much allowed to do so. All while you get to meet my kids as well." We reached her van, it was red and the siding by the passenger had rusted out just a bit. I took notice to her window being slightly cracked from the left to the bottom right.

"I have one daughter, and two sons. All around your age. So you'll have some familiar faces eventually once school starts up again. For now we have the summer to get you familiarized with this town." I smiled a bit as I entered the passenger side of the car. I slowly buckled and clung onto my bag. Once Sarah began driving the town slowly started to disappear.  The building turned into trees, and then more trees. I watched the cows chew on their freshly green pasture. The horses tails swung side to side as they were mingling with one another. The birds in the sky flew together, the wind carried them along towards the south. I pulled the window down and took a deep breath in. The wind brushed against my cheek, as I stared. The trees here were still green. They had not a single show of growing old amongst each other. The sky was glistening, with the suns ray bouncing off of nearby ponds. The clouds barely scattered the sky, most birds filled the spaces in between.  I felt nervous nonetheless, I was scared to be stuck with no one I know. But a part of me knew this is how I could get closer to my mom. In all attempts if I succeed or fail. I will not give it up, this was all for you.  I knew I could hold on a lot longer, I just have to be stronger.

"Ah here we are Emera."

"Please just call me Em." I looked around at the tall house. The porch wrapped around the house, the steps each held a pot of flowers each a different color. The porch railings were covered in morning glorys. I seen a fairly middle aged man step out onto the porch cleaning his hands off into a yellow towel. I took noticed their house was a light blue, the shutters were a navy blue. I seen the curtains were like lace, and held a creamy white color.

"Em, this is my Husband Jackson." She smiled at me gesturing towards the tall man. He had just a little bit of stubble for a bread. Must've shaved not too long ago, he had sandy blonde hair that was pulled back into one of those man buns. He too had blue eyes like Sarah.

"Hey there Em. Why don't you come inside and meet the kids?" Ge waved at me to come in. For a split second I hesitated. I still had a nasty feeling in my stomach, could be just the nerves. Or maybe something bad is going to happen. Either way I couldn't hesitate now. So I took my very first step into the house. 

It was simple but yet elegant at the same time. I could tell Sarah was more of a fine city girl, her taste in curtains were indeed creamy white lace held up with one of those curtains holders shaped as a flower. She had a large coffee black dining table, plates and silverware all set up neatly. I almost felt as if I was somewhere else. You could see the barn and silos in the back. A few cows walked in the pastures. I could see Jackson's safe spot was his small garage next to the barn. It was black with barn doors attached. These two had seemed so different. Yet they loved each other some much more. On the couch sat a curvy blonde haired girl. She had soft chocolate brown eyes, the sun sat on them just right from a nearby window. In her hands she held a book 'Where The Red Fern Grows' she had her feet propped up on the other cushions on the couch. 

"Addie, could you put your book down for a second and introduce yourself to Em please?" Addie peeked up from her book, I made contact as I watched her look back to her dad through her eyelashes.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Addie stood up and reached out for my hand. "I'm Adalyn. But everyone calls me Addie. Your room is with me. Thats until you get your room set up fully."

"Hi Addie." I whispered, I took her hand and shook it gently. I looked away from her and studied the living room. There was a large fireplace under the TV. It was roaring loudlym, I watched the coals crackle under the heat. Addie sat back down on the couch with her book in hand. I sat down one cushion apart from her and stared down at the TV. Addie stopped reading her book and closed it. She sat up more and turned to look at me, She sat the book on the glass coffee table beside her.

"So Em. Tell me about yourself. Why did you move here? Are you single? Got any secret boyfriends? You smoke? Drink?" She rambled on for quite sometime. I just sat and listened to her as she began to talk about her school.

"Addie chill, you don't need to scare her anymore than she probably already is." I looked over my shower and see where the voice came from. There was a gold retriever looking boy standing right in front of me. His have was sandy brown with hints of blonde. His eyes were green. I always liked green. He made eye contact with me and smiled. I could tell he was kind, no reason to deny that he wasn't gorgeous. 

"I'm Hades by the way, and yes I am named after that Hades. Em right?

"Yes, Em." Another boy came up behind Hades, he seemed dark and mysterious. He looked at everyone as he pushed his hair from his face. His black hair touched the back of his neck as he brushed his hair back again, taking a drink from his water bottle after.

"This is my brother, Aristotle. We call him Ari. This is Em." Hades introduced us. I stood up and reached my hand out, gesturing for a hand shake. Aristotle grunted and walked away from me. My hand slowly fell back down to my waist as I looked between the other two siblings.

"Don't mind him Em. He's always got a stick lodged up his ass." Addie laughed, returning back to her book. "Here let me show you your room and then Addie's room." He grabbed my bags from the front door and carried them upstairs. I trekked slowly behind him taking in each step I took.

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