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Third person POV:

The day had dawned like any other, but it would prove to be the worst day of her life. The day her world came crashing down, the day her happiness was extinguished, the day her downfall began.

"Arika, come out of your room!" her father's thunderous voice echoed through the halls, striking fear into her heart.

She hesitated, knowing she had made a mistake. She had forgotten to hide her mark, the mark that had been a source of shame for her family for as long as she could remember.

" p...papa .e," she stuttered, trying to explain.
( Brother please that father that I will never come out of my room)

But her father would not be placated. "," she pleaded, trying to convey her fear of going outside, of being ridiculed and ostracized.
(Please don't send me out I'm scared . Everyone make fun of me outside)

But her words fell on deaf ears. Her father's anger was a force to be reckoned with, and it consumed him entirely. "Stop speaking, Arika! What have you done? I have strictly told you to not come out of your room until told and never when anyone is at home. Firstly, you didn't only come out of your room but came out without hiding your face mark!"

His words were followed by a resounding slap, one that sent her crashing to the floor. The pain was excruciating, but it was nothing compared to the shame and humiliation she felt.

"," she stuttered, trying to apologize.

But her father was unforgiving. "You will do this again when you'll live in this house. You know what, you're just a liability on us, and because of you, your mother is also in a coma from the last six years."

His words were like a knife twisting in her heart. She knew she was a disappointment to her family, a shame they couldn't escape. Her mark and her stutter had made her an outcast, a burden they couldn't bear.

The room was silent, her brothers standing by, unable to defend her. They loved her, but they were powerless against their father's wrath.

The day marked the beginning of her downfall, the day her happiness was extinguished, the day her life became a never-ending nightmare. She was left alone, abandoned by the world, with only her tears to comfort her.

And as she lay there, broken and battered, she knew she would never be the same again. The world had moved on, leaving her behind, a mere shadow of her former self.

Guyzz please vote ------------------------------------------------------------

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Guyzz please vote

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I hope you like this chapter.

Atleast 30 votes should be there.



For spoilers visit my Instagram - author_little_library.

And you can also read my other book - Ivanov's family curse.

Thank and take care 😘

Bye bye

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