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Arika POV

I still remember the day when my parents left me on the highway because I'm a spot on their fame.
It's not my fault to birth with a mark and that I stammers.

Whenever I use to  go to school and talk to anyone they make fun of me saying I can't speak properly and the reason my family abandoned me is because that day I come out of my room without hiding my face mark and some guest are there. I always wear makeup from the age of 3 to hide my mark. My father never talk to me while my brother only talk to me and visit me not always but ya. My twin Reyaansh play with me a lot aa lot. My big brother buy me toys and also sometimes Ritvik bhaiya take me outside.

Reyaansh always protect me from the children who make fun of me for my stammering. My mother go in coma just after giving birth to us because of internal bleeding.

Two days before when I see Advik and Akaay bhaiya I feel something in my heart. I don't know what they are thinking of me as I'm dancing in a club but I'm in need of money as I have to pay school fees of Aarna the only person I have in this world and   who loves me in this whole world .
(Bhaiya - big brother)
Aarna sometimes say mumma to me. She is very intelligent girl with a high IQ. I can't study after my family abandoned me but didn't want the same thing to happen with my princess and my life Aarna . I work hard to provide her every facility and education which I deprived of. Sometimes I also study near the road where a didi ( big girl) teaches poor people at late night school.

That day Akaay bhaiya (brother) save me from that man. I was very scared but he came on time but when he give me his blazer and tried to lift I push him and run from there as My princess is waiting for me and also I didn't want them to know me or what if he takes me back to father and also I don't want that because of me they face shame or have to get embarrassed.

Today I come as server at very big hotel and Aarna is with me as the event is of late night and I can't leave her alone as we didn't have any place to live as I'm unable to pay rent on time. There I  see my brothers ,my father and my mother . They all are talking with a very beautiful girl and then Advik bhaiya come in stage and announce something and then all my brother and everyone kneel in front of her while all my brothers kiss her on her forehead

I think the girl name is Divya and she is their sister as I don't know how to speak English so I couldn't understand what they all said and even the girl give a very good speech in English.

The girl is so beautiful and pretty and with a elegant smile on her face.  She is fit and pale.She is 5' 7 and is perfect for being their sister and have brownish eyes. She speaks nicely .

While I'm just 5'2 and looks like malnourished and my skin is bit tanned because of working in sun. I have a mark on my face and stammers.

I only know few words which my baby Aarna teach me. She always teach me new words in English. She says I'm very beautiful with the mark also and I only talk to her as I have selective mutism problem .

I never talk to anyone in these 10 years except my Aarna.

My Aarna is so sweet and cute baby. She is 6 years old but have a high IQ and act mature than her age. Her smile is so precious and she is a well mannered girl and never show stubborness . She likes icecream a lot and always come 1st in class.

I meet my princess when I was 10 and she is 2. She is laying at the corner of road and Is crying very hard. Then I take her with me and from then she is my only family.

One of the man come and ask me to serve the last drinks to aginotri family  at first I hesitated but then I remember I'm in need of money so I have to do this work.

First I go to Aarna in the kitchen where I left her and she is sitting there holding her teddy. I tell her to wait just 10 min for me and then we'll eat ice-cream.

I hurriedly took a 8 glasses of drink and start moving towards Aginotri's while lowering my head.

I serve the drink to my father, mother , Abhimanyu, Akaay ,ritvik  bhaiya and then Reyaansh hiding my face . Divya is standing there in between of Reyaansh and Advik bhaiya.

When I going to Divya my leg twist and all the drink in both the two glasses fell on her dress.I am standing there in horror and my voice is not coming out of my mouth .

Soon Reyaansh come and hold my hand and said - I know girls like you . How you dared to hurt my sister will you clean her dress and see how pathetic you're , can't even say a sorry after committing such grave  mistake.( Said in hindi)

I'm standing there with tears brimming in my eyes because of my problem I couldn't say anything but I tried soon he hold my chin and lift it up but when they see my face their eyes wide open in shock. Reyaansh who is holding my chin left it like touching me burn his hand and see me with a disgusting look.

I start moving my head holding my ears gesturing a sorry in front of Divya . Akaay Bhaiya come to me and slapped me on my face while saying I now know why you did this all you're just jealous of my sister (in hindi) he hold my hand in a tight grip and said to say sorry to her .

I just stand there while most of my brothers have disgusting look. Reyaansh come and again slap me on my face  and said - witch say sorry to my sister while Akaay bhaiya left my hand and I gesture them that I can't speak.

Understanding my gesture Advik bhaiya said that - she can't speak and is mute.

Listening to him everyone of them eyes flick with some  emotions for second but then again a hatred look come on their faces.

I took tissues and start cleaning Divya dress and then kneel down and start cleaning her sandles while  gesturing a sorry.

To be continued in next chapter

I hope you like this Chapter. This is nothing more secrets are gonna reveal in further chapters.

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