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It is the day when the aginotri's are introducing their princess to the world.
The aginotri mansion is in full chaos and everyone is roaming from one place to another but even today Advik is also thinking about Arika as no information about her whereabout is traced from past two days.

Suddenly he heard the voice of his Father calling everyone in the living room for arrival to the place where today's event is taking place.

Everyone is clad in beautiful black expensive clothes . All the brothers are wearing same type of tuexdo while soon their mother and daughter come descending stairs while twining.

When both the female of the house come in living room everyone eyes widen and they act to fall for how beautiful they both look.

Everyone compliment both Siya(mother)
and divya and kisses them on forehead.

Dev go to hold his wife hand while all the brother makes a circle around Divya in order to protect her.

Soon they all sat in their luxurious cars.

In one car Dev and his wife Siya are sitting with the driver while few cars are at their back and some are in front .

In the other car all the brothers are sitting while Ritivik is driving,Advik is sitting at front passanger sit. At back Divya is sitting between Akaay and Abhimanyu and Reyaansh is at back seat of them while few cars are guarding then from all the sides for their safety..

Bhaiya see this rui is touching my hairs ,they will get ruin - Divya said to Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu glared at Reyaansh and said - how dare you to ruin my sunshine hairs and put her on his lap while she shows her tongue to Reyaansh.

The whole ride is filled with love , joy , especially the yougest two bickerings reflecting the beautiful bond they all share.

Soon they all reach the place of today's event and all the brothers make a circle around Divya .

The place is full of luxurious cars as all the mafia leaders are present . The security is very tight and all the people's are allowed only with the identity proof.

Soon the event start . People are dancing talking to each other about different things while some mafia who are at lower place are judging them.

After some time Advik go to the stage as he is the current king of Indian mafia and start giving speech and then announce all his brothers and sister to come on the stage and then introduce Divya as the mafia princess of India. And ask all the people to kneel in front of Divya as they are the second most powerful mafia in the world with a good friendship to the first most powerful mafia in the world , so they all kneel down in front of Divya while Divya is standing there holding a powerful aura and a elegant smile. Each aginotri come one by one and kiss Divya on the forehead and cheek.

The whole seen is also seen by a person other than leader who is none other than Arika who working as a maid serving drinks to different people . She felt a pang in her heart seeing how her real brothers and father is loving and adoring Divya. She start thinking that she is ugly and stammers that's why no one like her even her family face their back to her at a young age of 6.

She always wear makeup in order to hide her mark. She start thinking how beautiful Divya is.

Divya is a beautiful girl with a elegant smile and brownish eyes. Her aura screams luxury and powerful . She carries herself beautiful and act mature in front of everyone except when she is at her home. She is kind hearted girl and not the clever witch type girl. She is good in studies and also learn how to fight and uses guns from her brother.

Suddenly one of the man of the hotel come and ask Arika to serve drinks to the aginotri's first she hesitated but then she remember as they hate her so they might have forgotten her.

Divya didn't come alone but she came with Aarna ( 5 year old girl she lives with). As the event is of night shi she couldn't leave Aarna alone as Arika loves her the most in this world. First she go to Aarna where she is sitting with her teddy in her hands and says to her be ready and don't go anywhere we will eat ice-cream after that and I'm coming serving the last drinks.

Next chapter will be the POV of Arika

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