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How would he tell Taehyung??

Before Jungkook could gather his thoughts, Taehyung spoke up suddenly.

"We're going back to Korea in 15 days, and I'm joining the university there. Until then, let's enjoy our vacation here!"

The younger's words caught Jungkook off guard, leaving him speechless once again.

"How'd you know I was thinking about that?"
Jungkook asked, his eyes wide with surprise, looking utterly adorable.

Taehyung chuckled softly, his eyes soft, as he flicked the elder's chin.

"It's me, baby! I know everything."

Jungkook chuckled, playfully hitting the Taehyung's arm in response to his remark.

Taehyung gazed at him intently, with a beautiful smile. No matter what, he couldn’t stay away from Koo.

He would never agree to stay away.

For these fifteen days, they would spend all their time together, having fun. Just Him and His Koo. Alone.

But no one knows the future, right?

Sometimes we predict things will happen a certain way, but God’s plan is often far beyond anything we could have imagined.

Taehyung held Jungkook hands, gently.
"Koo, can I ask you something?"


"If I stay away from you, will you miss me? Can you live without your favourite person, which is me?"



Jungkook's eyes fluttered open, a warm tear escaping his bambi eye.

He wiped it off with the sleeve of his shirt. Glancing around the room, he realized that it was much later than usual. In the past three years, he had never overslept like this; it was already 8 o'clock.

As he shifted, he felt the unexpected weight on his stomach.



His grogginess vanished instantly as he got up in surprise. Taehyung was sleeping soundly, resting his head on Jungkook's belly.

He settled down slowly, gently sliding his hand beneath the younger's head, guiding it to rest on his lap.

Jungkook looked at him with lots of emotions.

"P-please trust me, Koo. I will prove my love for you. Just don't tag it as i-infatuation. It h-hurts."


"T-Taehyung," he called, patting his cheek gently.

He got no response.

It seemed Taehyung was in a deep slumber.

Or perhaps not. Who could tell?

It's easy to wake a sleeping person, but much harder to wake someone who is already awake and pretending to sleep.

Jungkook's hands trembled as he gently cupped Taehyung's face.

"T-Tete," he whispered softly, his voice filled with love and longing as he gazed at the younger's calm, serene expression.

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