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"Moye moye~ Indeed!"

Hoseok exclaimed with a chuckle, listening to his friend's self-talk and complaints.


Taehyung sighed, rubbing his forehead. 

"Calm down, bro. You'll totally impress sunbae-nim in ten years. I believe in you!" Hobi declared with a serene nod, like a wise sage.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the encouragement!" he said, then promptly engulfed Hoseok in a bear hug that was more like a suffocation attempt.

"Alright, I'm late. I'm heading home. Bye," Taehyung said, letting go of Hoseok and heading straight for the door.

Hoseok called after him, "Remember, ten years, dude! Don't peak too soon!"

Taehyung shot back with a smirk, "I can wait for Koo forever. But how long are you planning to stay engaged to that can of lemon Sprite?"


As days passed, Taehyung's love for Jungkook only deepened. His affection grew more intense with each sunrise.

On the other hand, Jungkook's feelings became increasingly confused. He had started to see Taehyung in a new light and couldn't ignore the electric sensation that coursed through him whenever Taehyung reached out or professed his love these days.


Jungkook awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains, casting a warm, golden hue over the room. He blinked a few times, letting his eyes adjust, and turned his head to see Taehyung peacefully sleeping on the other side of the bed, his features relaxed, lips slightly parted, and dark hair tousled from sleep.

It had become a routine for them, this dance of distance and closeness.

Every night, an argument or a disagreement would flare up. Taehyung would retreat to a separate room, fuming silently.

Jungkook sighed softly, careful not to wake Taehyung, and reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from his face. He gently caressed Taehyung's forehead. "Why don't you understand, baby?" He whispered softly.

But as Taehyung stirred awake, he immediately closed his eyes, feigning sleep/ pretending to sleep.

"Koo," Taehyung whispered softly, his voice husky with sleep as he pulled Jungkook closer, wrapping him in a warm embrace. "I love you," he murmured, his breath warm against Jungkook's neck as he nestled closer, seeking comfort in the early morning light.

He opened his eyes sleepily, then leaned in to place a gentle kiss on Jungkook's forehead, followed by a soft peck on his lips. With a sleepy smile, Taehyung slowly rose from the bed and made his way towards the bathroom.

"D-Don't do this to me, Taetae," Jungkook mumbled weakly, his voice barely above a whisper.

He had begun to feel his own heart betraying him in Taehyung's presence. Whenever Taehyung was around, he would often forget everything and lose himself in the moment.

He couldn't bear the emotional turmoil it caused.

It wasn't good for the younger and their family.

As Jungkook returned from the other room, he found Taehyung drying his hair with a towel. "Happy now?" Taehyung asked with a tight-lipped smile.

Jungkook offered a faint smile and nodded in response.

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