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Third Person POV
A boy with brown hair and brown eyes walked next to a girl with strawberry blonde hair and eyes as pure as ice. Their hands brushed as they walked. Neither said a word, too nervous to do anything other than walk. People filled the dirt roads of the small village they were from. The two sat on the edge of a fountain full of crystal clear water. 

The girl looked up at the boy, "So, it's almost Winter." She said. Her anxiety controlling her slightly as she played with fingers in an attempt to pick the skin off. 

The brunette boy glanced at the girl's hands and placed one of his own atop her fidgeting ones. "Yeah." He muttered in response. The blonde looked into his brown eyes, her stomach erupted into a million butterflies. 

"You love the Winter." She said shyly. 

He smiled, and her heart did fips. "I really do, don't I?" 

She giggled as he smirked. God he loved her laugh. She noticed him staring and she blushed in turn. Nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with a small smile on her naturally pink tainted lips. The boy took in her features. Strawberry blonde hair that fell to her knees was pulled back in a half-up half-down ponytail, eyes that sparkled like ice in the sun, pink tainted lips that were plump and curved into a sweet smile, her basic brown dress that matched most of the other women in town. The dress hugged her curves slightly, but enough that he would notice, and lastly, his favorite features of all: her warm hands and the cute freckles on the bridge of her nose. 

"You're staring, Jack." She said with a dark blush. 

The boy, Jack, blushed in turn. "I-I didn't realize." He said, hiding a smirk. With their hands still intertwined the girl began playing with a silver ring on Jack's middle finger. 

This action didn't go unnoticed by Jack

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This action didn't go unnoticed by Jack. He slipped the ring off his finger and slipped it onto hers. 

"So you always have it to mess with." He smiled sweetly at her, lifting her hand to his mouth and kissing the ring. The girl blushed. 

A few months had passed since that time and the girl had not seen Jack. She visited his family, only to find his little sister Mary, in tears. 

"Mary, dear what's wrong?" The seventeen year old blonde girl asked. 

"Hestia!" Mary cried, running over and hugging the older girl's legs whilst sobbing. "Jack, he-he's gone!" 


"H-He fell into the pond! I-It's all my fault. The ice cracked, he'd still be here if I hadn't wanted to go ice skating!" Mary cried. 

Hestia's eyes filled with tears she remembered why she was here. Jack turns eighteen today. Was the only thought in her mind. But Hestia shook it off and hefted Mary into her arms. 

"It'll all be okay, Mare-Bear." Hestia promised, "We're going to go to the pond, and wish Jack 'Happy Birthday'. Okay?" 

Mary nodded. Hestia walked to the frozen pond and stepped onto the thick ice. She held Mary close, just in case something happened. Hestia eyed Mary, mentally saying it was okay. 

"Ready?" Mary nodded, "Okay." 

The two females then shouted: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON OVERLAND FROST!!" Hestia walked closer to the middle of the pond, but Mary was not ready to let go. Fortunately, for them, a boy from the village who was in love with Hestia walked by, and noticed the ice start to crack. 

"Hestia!" The boy shouted in desperation. At first Hestia groaned, then she saw the crack. Mary sobbed more and more. 

"Nick, promise me you'll catch Mary!" Hestia called out to the boy. He nodded and opened his arms. Hestia faced Mary, who was scared out of her skin. 

"Don't let go Hestia! I can't lose you too." Mary begged. 

Hestia sighed with a smiled and said, "Mary, I'm never leaving you. Even if I don't make it off the ice, you will. It's okay to be afraid, and you know what. None of this is your fault, not even Jack's death was your fault. We can't control fate. So live your life to it's fullest." 

Mary nodded. Hestia threw the young girl all the way to Nick, who successfully caught her in his arms tightly. Before Hestia or Nick could say anything, the ice broke and Hestia fell into the below freezing waters with a scream. 

Hestia's POV
I opened my eyes and saw the moon as I was pulled to the surface of the water by an invisible force. I crawled out of the water and breathed heavily. Who am I? I wondered. 

"You are Hestia Flame." A voice told me. I looked up at the moon and smiled in thanks. I glanced to the side and caught sight of a white haired, blue eyed boy. The ground beneath him froze. I marvelled as he figured out how to make ice, and fly. He never saw me. I walked around until coming across a village. 

"Hello." I said to the people walking about, "Can you tell me where I am?" But the person I spoke to walked right through me. My breathing became erratic. The blue-eyed boy looked over at me when the same thing happened to him. He saw me. I saw him. 

"Jack Frost." He said, holding his hand out to shake. 

I shook it, "Hestia Flame." At my words our hands steamed from my fire powers and his ice ones so we were forced to pull apart. 

"So we're opposites." He smirked. 

"It seems so Frost." I said copying his smirk. 

"Might as well be friends." He said a light pink color dusting his cheeks. I nodded in agreement. We grew close over the years but one day we couldn't find each other. It wasn't a big deal until the Guardian of Memories, known to all as the Tooth Fairy, told me I was a guardian. I went to the North Pole with her and met North, the guardian of wonder, Bunnymund, guardian of hope, and Sandy, guardian of dreams. I took an oath and became.

Hestia Flame, Guardian of the Home and Hearth.

My fire powers grew over the next 300 years. Along with my friendships. Tooth and I became best friends after she helped me regain my memories-or at least most of them. Bunny and I became a pranking duo, though I never told him of my friendship with Jack Frost, who Bunny seemed to despise. You know, for messing with the egghunts. But most of my time was spent at the North Pole, with North. He was an amazing father figure and helped me learn to control my powers so my hair never catches on fire randomly anymore. I also grew fond of reading!

My life as the Guardian of the Home and Hearth was wonderful. That is, until someone I never wanted to meet returned....

*1,174 words

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