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Third Person POV
"He's gone." North said. Jack helped Hestia sit down on a rock. She refused to look at him, or talk to anyone. Just played with the snowflake ring on her index finger absentmindedly. Jack saw Tooth looking upset, but who can blame her. He walked over. 

"I'm sorry about the fairies." He said. 

"You should've seen them. They put up such a fight." Tooth said with a small smile. 

"Why would Pitch take the teeth?" Jack wondered. 

"It's not the teeth he wanted. It's the memories inside." Tooth explained. 

"What do you mean?" Jack asked. 

"That's why we collect the teeth Jack. They hold the most important memories of childhood." Tooth said as she flew over to a painting, Jack followed, making an ice path to walk across the water. "My fairies and I watch over them. And when someone needs to remember something important, we help them. We had everyone's here. Yours too." She put a hand on his shoulder. 

"M-my memories?" Jack asked. 

"When you were young. Before you became Jack Frost." Tooth said. Jack backed away from her slightly. 

"But I wasn't anyone before I was Jack Frost." He thought. 

"Of course you were. We were all someone before we were chosen. Hestia didn't have her memories at first either." Tooth said. "She still doesn't have all of them." 

"The night at the pond. I though, I just. Are you saying I had a life, before that? With a home, a family?" Jack asked. 

"You really don't remember?" Tooth asked worriedly. 

"All these years, the answers were right here." Jack marvelled. Hestia looked up at the boy, sighing. She looked at the ring but couldn't remember where she got it from. "If I find my memories I'll know why I'm here. You have to show me." Jack said, flying over to the rock Hestia sat on.

"She can't Jack. Pitch has them." Hestia voiced. 

"Then we have to get them back!" Jack landed in a crouching position and pointed his staff at Tooth. 

Tooth went to say something but some feathers molted. Hestia's eyes widened in worry. She got up from the rock and went to her friend's side. "Oh no." 

"The children." Tooth said, "We're too late." 

"No. NO! No such thing as too late!" North demanded, then got an idea, "wait wait wait." He pointed a cutlass at Bunny who flinched back to avoid being stabbed. Jack chuckled. Hestia seemed to realize North's idea. 

"We will collect the teeth!" North said. 

"What!?" Tooth exclaimed. 

"If we get the teeth, the children will keep believing in you!" Hestia explained. Jack smiled at the red head, but didn't have a chance to admire her beauty because Toothiana spoke up. 

"We're talking seven continents, billions of kids-"

"Give me break, you know how many toys I deliver in one night?" 

"And eggs I hide in one day?" Bunny said. 

"And homes I protect?" Hestia added. 

"And Jack," North said, "If you help us, we will get you your memories." North smirked. 

Jack crouched and leaned against his staff, looking across the guardians before staring at Hestia. She nodded. Jack smirked. 

"I'm in!" 

*525 words. I am aware it is much shorter than the other chapters.

Playing With Ice | Jack Frost x OCWhere stories live. Discover now