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Third Person POV
"North I'm not going with you guys." Jack argued. "There's no way I'm climbing into some rickety, old...." The barn doors opened, "...sleigh"

Hestia smirked at his awe as the sleigh came out. "One ride?" She offered. 

He looked at her and got lost in her brown eyes. "But that's it..." He murmured. He hopped into the sleigh after Sandy and held his hand out to Hestia. She remembered the first time they held hands and how her warmth made him steam. Suddenly, she felt scared to hurt him, but his eyes won her over again as she accepted his offer and climbed into the sleigh next to him. 

"Wow Snowflake, you are a gentleman." Hestia teased. 

"Bunny, what are you waiting for?" North asked. Hestia laughed, knowing very well about Bunny's fear of heights. 

"I think my tunnels might be faster mate, and uh and safer." Bunny said. 

"Ah, get in!" North grabbed Bunny and tossed him into the sleigh. "Buckle up." 

"Ey, ey. where are the bloody seatbelts!?" Bunny panicked. 

"That was just an expression, Cottontail." Hestia said. 

"Are we ready?" north asked his yeti, but the yeti tried to say 'no'. North didn't listen and flicked the reigns. "Let's go!" As they went through the icy tunnels Bunny screamed in fear and Jack smirked. Hestia held her hands in the air screaming of joy, as Sandy did the same--but, silently. 

"I hope you like the loopty loops!" Hestia warned Jack. 

"I hope North likes carrots!" Bunny retorted. Then they launched into the air. 

The icy wind blowing through Hestia's firey red hair. Jack tapped Hestia's shoulder and stood on the edge. 

"Bunny, Hestia check out this view!" He said but yelled as the wind pushed him back. Hestia's eyes widened as she jumped off after him and fell. He was on one of the landers so he grabbed her warm hand before she fell. "I'm okay." he whispered. The two held onto each other as they heard Bunny let out panicked sounds and look over the edge. 

"Aw, you do care." Jack teased. 

"Ah rack off ya bloody show ponies!" Bunny scoffed. Jack helped Hestia back onto the sleigh as North shook up a snow globe. 

"Hang on I know a short cut." 

"Oh strewth, I knew I should've taken the tunnels!" Bunny freaked. 

"I say, Tooth Palace." North requested and threw the portal as they all flew through the magical doorway. "What?" North wondered as the sleigh was bombarded by flying black creatures. Hestia screamed as one knocked her off the sleigh. 

"HESTIA!!" Jack yelled and jumped off after her. "Hang on! I'm coming!" 

"Ohmigod! Ohmigod!" She screamed. Jack blasted after her and reached his hand out. Hestie grabbed it and the boy pulled her into his chest as he flew up and landed on the sleigh. 

"Are you two okay?" Bunny asked. Hestia was breathing heavily but nodded. She looked up and nudged Jack panicked. 

"They're taking the tooth fairies!" She announced. Jack flew up and saved Baby Tooth. He landed on the sleigh with the hummingbird fairy in his hands. 

"You okay little Baby Tooth?" he asked with a smile. She nodded and hid in Jack's hoodie. Hestia blasted fire at another creature, it released what was inside. 

"They're stealing the teeth!" Bunny said as Sandy felt the black sand that the horses were made of. They flew through parts of the palace. 

"Here, take over!" North told Jack, handing him the reins as they pursued a horse. North unsheathed his cutlasses as Jack flicked the reins. 

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