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Third Person POV
A girl with strawberry blonde hair sat in her room, picking the skin on her fingers anxiously. Jack was coming over today, and she was going to tell him what happened to her brother. A knock was heard at the door. 

"Come in." Hestia said, her voice breaking. 

"Hey Hest." Jack said. The brunette boy then noticed that his friend had been crying and was picking her skin again. Sighing he sat down next to her and pushed some hair behind her ear. "What happened Hestia?" 

"Jack.." Her voice broke and she sobbed into his chest. 

"Woah, what happened!?" Jack held her tightly, to afraid and in love to let go. 

"Nate, he-he... he" Hestia broke. Sobbing and breathing unevenly as she collapsed in Jack's arms. He hated seeing her cry, he hated seeing her so broken, he hated that she just lost her older brother. 

"I am so sorry Hestia..." Jack said, kissing her forehead. "Wanna go for a walk?" 

She nodded. Later in the day the two sat on a hill overlooking the town they lived in. 

"Jack, I wish we could run away... travel the world." Hestia said, leaning her head on Jack's shoulder. 

"Me too Hestia."  Jack said. He gulped slightly, his cheeks painted red with blush as he turned to Hestia. 

"Hestia. I have something to tell you." Jack said. Hestia faced him, the way her blue eyes bore into his was too much. The words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat. So he did the only thing he thought would get his point across. 

"Jack are you-" 

He smashed his lips onto hers. Cupping her face and bringing her closer to his body. She didn't hesitate any longer and kissed back. Her hands slipped around his neck and into his hair while his hands slid down and held her waist. Their eyes were closed and Hestia felt the brunette boy smile into the kiss. She needed air, then again, death like this wouldn't be so bad. She pulled away for air. 

"I am so sorry, I don't know what I was-" Jack began. But was cut off by pink lips on his. Hestia pressed her lips and could feel Jack's slightly chapped, cold, yet amazing lips on hers. He felt the warmth of her tainted pink lips, and he noticed how they tasted like strawberries. And he loved it. He pulled her onto his lap and she leaned her forehead against his. 

"I love you Jackson Overland Frost." She murmured. 

"And I love you right back, Hestia Vasuman." Jack said, kissing her again. 

A few months later it was Valentine's Day. Jack was going to get Hestia the best present ever, but didn't know what. The two walked around the village, their hands brushed as they walked. Neither said a word, too nervous to do anything other than walk. People filled the dirt roads of the small village they were from. The two sat on the edge of a fountain full of crystal clear water.

Hestia looked up at the boy, "So, it's Valentine's Day." She said. Her anxiety controlling her slightly as she played with fingers in an attempt to pick the skin off.

Jack glanced at her hands and placed one of his own atop her fidgeting ones. "Yeah." He muttered in response. The blonde looked into his brown eyes, her stomach erupted into a million butterflies.

"I love you." She said shyly.

He smiled, and her heart did fips. "I really do, don't I?"

She giggled as he smirked. God he loved her laugh. She noticed him staring and she blushed in turn. Nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with a small smile on her naturally pink tainted lips. Jack took in her features. 

"You're staring, Jack." She said with a dark blush. 

"I am?" He asked. 

"Oh, I got you something for Valentine's Day." She said, taking off her necklace. "Wear it?" 

"But your brother gave you this

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"But your brother gave you this.. I-" Jack tried to refuse. But Hestia had already clipped it around his neck. 'How do I top this gift?' Jack thought to himself as he gazed into her eyes. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He blurted. 

"Yes. Yes I will Jack." Hestia said, and kissed him on the mouth passionately. 

*736 words

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