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Third Person POV

"Still waiting for cookies!" North said to his elves, who weren't the brightest creatures. North was a big russian man, with a long white beard and the words 'Naughty' and 'Nice' tattooed on either of his arms. He worked on sculpting the ice before him.

Hestia sat on a window seat by her favorite window reading a book. North was working on an ice form of a train and train tracks. Hestia felt the sense of a family losing their home and lit her hand on fire, blowing it 'out' as to send the family a blessing so they would be okay. Moments later North held up an ice train and blew off excess snow, he placed it on the tracks and made a happy noise as it worked. It magically formed rocket boosters to help it to fly. Hestia smirked at the man's excitement for the toys.

Just then, the door to the room was opened by a yeti, named Phil. The opening door knocked the flying train to the ground, breaking it. North and Phil exchanged yells of surprise. North then pinched the bridge of his nose annoyedly.

"Phil, how many times has he told you to knock?" Hestia asked the poor yeti. Phil said something in yeti, explaining why he came. As the Guardian of Home and Hearth, she was able to understand all languages and creatures. North and Hestia looked from each other then to the yeti.

"The globe?" North asked, concern etched his normally cheerful face. He grabbed his cutlasses (I think that's what they are) and motioned for Hestia to follow him. She nodded and followed him to the large room where their large model globe was, it was dotted with lights that represented all the children who believed in the world. Hestia loved how it glowed.

"Shoo with your pointy heads." North ordered his elves, "Why are you always under boot?"

Hestia giggled at the older man's words. She hasn't been a guardian as long as he or the others have, so she wasn't expecting large threats. The lights on the globe flickered randomly and in bunches.

"What's happening, North?" Hestia questioned.

"Have you checked the axis? Is rotation balanced?" North asked the two yetis behind him. Who made grunting sounds in return. Hestia's palm caught fire as a defense mechanism. Suddenly, black sand covered the globe, snaking around as if making an exact copy of it. A shadow flew across the room laughing evilly as the dust disappeared.

"Can it be?" North worried, he turned to a few elves and said. "Dingle. Make preperations. We're going to have company." North then twisted a handle and pushed inward. The areas on the globe were glowing as he sent out a message to the other four guardians using the Northern Lights.

My fellow guardians. It is our job to watch over the children of the world. And keep them safe. To bring wonder, hope and dreams. So I have called us all here for one reason and one reason only. The children, are in danger. An enemy we have kept at bay for centuries has finally decided to strike back. We alone can stop him.

Hestia sat around as the other three guardians finally arrived.

"Eggnog, anyone?" North offered. Hestia held a small cup of hot cocoa in her hands.

"This better be good North," Bunny warned. Sandy flew down in a sand airplane.

"Hello Sandy." Hestia waved to the small man, who waved back kindly before facing North.

"Ah, Sandy, thank you for coming." Sandy then showed a series of symbols above his head. "I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious."

Tooth shushed her fairies as North prepared to make his bold claim. Hestia sat calmly, stoking the fire where Bunny warmed his feet. She enjoyed the warmth, but the cold...

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