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Hestia's POV
I saw Jack standing on a wire after messing around with some dream sand. I flew over to him and melted his frost by my very presence. 

"Rough snow day?" I asked, in all seriousness. 

"H-Hestia!" He exclaimed, rushing over to me. Then, he saw my wings. "Y-You have wings.." 

"Yeah, I always had them. But I can use them now." I said, playing with the snowflake ring that was always on my finger. I had no memory of how I got it, or who gave it to me. But it was a link to my past.

"Why ya here?" He asked. 

"Uhm, it's complicated." 

"Oh yeah? Is you disappearing to be a guardian complicated?" He snarled. My brown eyes widened in hurt and shock at his words. 

"J-Jack I--" 

His angry expression melted at seeing my distress. He took my hand and kissed the ring. "I am so sorry. You had no control over it."

Just then, a shadow - but I knew it was Bunny - swiftly moved by us. Jack followed it, me following Jack. 

"Your time is up Lass." He joked. I sighed. 

"Worth a shot." Then went over to the Pooka and was handed a daisy. I scoffed and burned it with my bare touch. 

"Hello mate. Been a long time." Bunny said to Jack, startling him a bit. 

"Blizzard of '68 I believe." I giggled. "Easter Sunday wasn't it?"

"Bunny," Jack relaxed, letting his guard down, "you're not still mad about that? Are you?" 

"yes." Bunny grumbled.

"But this is about something else." I said, gazing into his eyes a second too long.

"Fellas." Bunny said. 

Two yetis came up and grabbed Jack. "Hey, put me down!" He protested. But the yetis ignored him and shoved him in a sack. 

"Careful boys, don't harm Snowflake~" I teased Jack. Knowing very well he wasn't a fan of my nickname for him. One yeti shook a snowglobe and tossed it. Opening up a direct portal to North's workshop. They glanced at Bunny, asking him if he was coming. 

"No, not on ya Nelly." Bunny said, "See ya back at the pole." He tapped his foot and jumped into a rabbit hole, seriously. Behind it was a single flower after closing, I nodded and stepped through the magical doorway after the two yetis tossed the Jack in the Sack through. 

Third Person POV
In North's shop Hestia sat by the fire, stoking it with a cup of hot cocoa rest in her hands. 

"He's here." She claimed, not looking from the flames until she heard the sack rustle. Jack looked around. 

"There he is." North said. "Jack Frost!" 

"You gotta be kidding me." Jack muttered. Then two yetis helped him up and out of the sack. "Put me down." he asked.

"I hope the yetis treated you well." North said. 

"oh yeah," Jack kicked up his staff into his hand. "I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal." he said sarcastically. 

Hestia giggled, "Good. Looks like your humor's still in tack, Snowflake

Jack looked over at the fire before North's voice dragged his attention from the girl sitting by the hearth. 

"Good. That was my idea." North said, not picking up on Jack's sarcasm. "You know Bunny obviously." 

"Obviously." Jack said with his trademark smirk. 

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