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Third Person POV
Somewhere in Japan the six went around collecting teeth. Jack and Hestia flew, having a secret team up to beat Bunny. 

"Hop to it rabbit I'm five feet ahead!" Jack said to Bunnymund. 

"Yeah right, look. I tell you to stay out of my way but really what's the point? You won't be able to keep up anyway." Bunny flexed. 

"Is that a challenge Cottontail?" Hestia said, smirking as she shared a look with Jack. 

"Oh, you don't want to race a rabbit lovebirds." Bunny said, speeding off. 

"Woah!" Jack exclaims. 

"Is it a race? Is It a race!" North says, jumping from Chimmney to chimmney. "This is going to be, epic!"

"Four biscuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east. Is that a molar? They're everywhere!" Tooth shouts, then runs into a billboard that ironically advertised toothpaste. 

"You okay?" Jack asks Tooth. 

"Fine." Tooth says. "Sorry, it's just been a long time since I've been out in the field." 

"How long is a long time?" Hestia asks. 

Tooth smiles, "440 years give or take?" Then flies away quickly upon seeing a tooth. Hestia, Jack and Baby Tooth share a look, Baby Tooth shrugs. Jack started to climb through a window but Bunny beat him in and held the tooth up with a smirk. Jack shot Bunny with a bit of ice while a grumpy expression rested upon his face. They moved onto the next area of houses. Jack and Hestia found twins. 

"Twins." They say to each other, holding up the teeth. "Heh." 

"Wanna team up?" Hestia asked the Frost. 

"Sure," he smirked and pinned her to a wall. 

"Jack what're you doing?" 

"Admiring you." He blushed, taking in her appearance. She had knee-length red hair, brown eyes, freckles on the bridge of her nose, and her outfit was a red hoodie with orange flames on the bottom and jeans, she was barefoot. Her bangs clouded her face. 

"Okay you two, stop flirting." Bunny said, making both teens jump in shock. They backed away from each other nervously. 

"W-we weren't f-f-flirting!" Hestia protested. From then on the race of the teeth continued, Hestia giving Jack quarters and leaving them herself, knowing the other guardians forgot. By the end, the five of them stood before Tooth holding up their bags of teeth. 

"Wow, you guys collect teeth and leave gifts as fast my fairies!" The other three guardians lowered their bags in shock. 

"You guys have been leaving gifts, right?" Hestia asked with a smirk. Sandy nodded then shook his head. 

"Like you have, lovebirds?" Bunny asked. Jack blushed and Hestia made a coin appear out of a flame. 

"Actually, we have been cottontail. But I ain't giving you any. Jack and I are a team." 

"Like always." Jack fistbumped the red-head. The two flew off to collect more teeth while the others had to wait in line at a laundromat for quarters. The six guardians flew by a window where a kid stood on his bed, his mouth hanging open as he dropped his sippy cup. Hestia waved and blew him a kiss of blessing. Jack wrapped his arms around her waist and flew away with her. 

"Jack!!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck. North and Bunny saw the lovesick look on Jack's face as he held Hestia close. Meanwhile, a nightmare horse who watched the guardians neighed and disappeared down a drain to report to its master. Deep in Pitch's lair, the tooth fairies fluttered in their cages. 

"The lights." Pitch noticed. "Why aren't they going out." 

The nightmare made a sound. 

"They're collecting the teeth!?" Pitch snarled, getting annoyed with the tooth fairies' noises of hope he yelled. "Pipe down or I'll stuff a pillow with you!" The fairies went silent. The nightmare looked a Pitch. Pitch growled, causing the nightmare to disperse into sand. Swirling it around in his fingers he made a sand version of Sandy in his palm. 

"Fine. Have your last hurrah. For tomorrow, all your pathetic scrambling will be for nothing." He crushed the mini Sandy. Then, the nightmare became a horse and said one more thing to Pitch before leaving. 

"So, Jack Frost is really close with my dear Hestia Flame? Well well, that just won't do." Pitch said to himself. 

Meanwhile, in Jamie Bennett's bedroom Tooth, Jack and Hestia stood around his bed. 

"Left central incisor, knocked out in a freak sledding accident. I wonder how that could've happened?" Tooth told the two. 

"Jack?" Hestia smirked. 

"Kids huh?" He smiled, making Hestia's heart do flips. Tooth flipped the coin through her fingers before placing it under the pillow. She floated above Jamie. 

"This was always the part I liked most. Seeing the kids. Why did I ever stop doing this?" She folded her arms across her chest gently. 

Jack hummed, "It's a little different up close, huh?" 

"Thanks for being here, Jack. I wish I'd known about your memories." Tooth said as Hestia put a hand on Jack's shoulder and leaned her head on it. "I could've helped you." 

"Yeah, well, we'll get you taken care of. Then it's Pitch's turn." Jack smirked, a determined look in his blue eyes. They heard grunting and saw North climbing in through the window. "Here you are." The old man said. 

"SSHH!" Tooth said, pointing at a sleeping Jamie. Sandy followed North in. North noticed the sleeping child. 

"oh. What the gives, slowpokes? how ya feelin' toothy?" North asked. 

"Believed in!" Tooth smiled. 

"That's what I want to hear." North chuckled. Hestia saw Bunny poke his head out of a rabbit hole. 

"Aw, I see how it is, all working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place." Bunny retorted, hopping out of the rabbit hole after they all shushed him because of Jamie. Jack pulled out his and Hestia's sack of teeth. 

"Check it out Peter Cottontail." Hestia said. 

"You think we need help to beat a bunny?" Jack sasses. 

"You call that a bag of chompers?" Bunny asks unimpressed, then pulled out his own, which was bigger. "Now that's a bag of chompers."

"Gentlemen, and lady." North said, pushing them apart, "This is about Tooth. It's not a competition. But if it were." he plopped down his entire present sack of teeth. "I win!" North then cheered until a flashlight shone in our faces. Hestia looked over and saw Jamie, was awake.

*1064 words

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