Chapter One

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Malakai frantically turned around searching for the rest of his clothes. "I gotta get outta here before Malcolm-"

His sentence was cut short as Eboni's bedroom door slammed against the wall. His hazel eyes widened when they caught sight of an enraged Malcolm standing in the open doorway.

Malakai was definitely in trouble now!

"Nah bruh, don't try to run now ." Malcolm growled out at Malakai, stepping into the bedroom with an intent to kill.
Four Years Eariler

"Dude, don't start cheating!" Malcolm shouted at the tv, bumping into Malakai while he concentrated on the game in front of them. Malakai chuckled, tapping the buttons on the black Xbox controller as fast as he could, while Malcolm stuck out his tongue and scrunched his forehead in deep concentration.

He shoved back into Malcolm, moving his arms to the left whenever the other man tried to smack the controller out his hand. "Ain't nobody cheating. Don't get mad cos you're not good at 2k." Malakai bit out.

"Nah, ya cheating!" Malcolm shot back.

Eboni sat at the dining room table, chuckling as her older brother patronized his best friend. Wearing white balloon pajama pants, and a black crop top with the word 'Halo' on the front, she ate her cereal and watched the two make fools of themselves. She brushed a few loose strands of her hair behind her ear, swirling her spoon around in the bowl of Captain Crunch Berries, while stealing a few glances at the back of Malakai's head. Eboni worried her glossy bottom lip, intently calculating the way Malakai's laugh seemed to brighten the room, or the way his dreads resembled that of a lion's mane. Sighing in exasperation, the girl averted her eyes towards the bowl of cereal in front of her and continued to swirl her spoon aimlessly in the milk.

"Shit!" Malcolm cursed aloud, making Malakai laugh. Just hearing that symphony of Malakai's angelic voice made Eboni's heart race. She never knew why she felt the way she did around Malakai, but just his presence had her craving him, but he never acknowledged her existence.

Eboni watched the duo from the dining room table, noticing the scoreboard on the video game.

Miami Heat- 108

Cleveland Cavaliers- 99

Eboni shook her head, rising from the chair and made her way towards the back of the couch. Her brother Malcolm always played with Cleveland, so no matter what she could always tell who controlled what team. Not that she honestly cared for the stupid game, but it was just a thought.

"Dammit!" Malcolm shouted.

Eboni smacked Malcolm upside the head. He winched in pain, paused the game, and whipped around to glare at his younger sister. Malakai laughed from the sidelines, his eyes twinkling with a sense of mischief that made Eboni's skin tingle.

"Aye, you better stop cussin' before mama comes downstairs and yells at you."

Malcolm smacked his lips, "Gurl go sit ya lil butt down somewhere, and let grown folk handle business." Malcolm retorted.

Malakai nodded in agreement, dapping up his boy before they turned back towards the television and resumed their game. Eboni pouted, and crossed her arms against her decently sized breasts. Then stomped her way in front of the television, earning angry shouts and protests.

Malakai put down his controller and sighed, "Eboni, move out the way."


"Imma tell Mama!" Malcolm threatened, earning a scowl in return. Eyebrows scrunched together, and jaw clenched, Eboni watched Malcolm drop his black Xbox controller and rise from the couch. She rolled her eyes nonchalantly, ghosting her finger over the power button of the gaming system. Malakai sat on the couch in horror, fearing the approaching outcome of this dangerous stare down. Eboni refused to waver; refused to look away from her brother because she feared that Malakai had his eyes trained on her, and if they made eye contact, she would make a complete fool of herself in front of him.

Malakai broke her concentration, by raising his hands cautiously in a surrendering motion. Her light brown eyes met hazel, and in that spontaneous moment, she panicked. "Eb, chill-"

She pushed the button, turning off the game completely. "That's it!" Malcolm shouted, rushing towards Eboni who squealed before dashing quickly to the left with a fuming Malcolm on her tail. Eboni ducked and dodged every nook and cranny in their modest home, running around the island inside the kitchen, through the living room, and even jumped over the dining room table to evade her brother.

"Get her Malakai!" Malcolm demanded, eliciting the young girl to gawk at Malakai who stood in the doorway waiting for her to run into his arms. Her breathing escalated, and all her senses went down the drain. Eboni continued to run towards Malakai, listening to the booming sounds of Malcolm's frantic footsteps behind her slamming against the hardwood floors. Without a second thought, Eboni ran smack into Malakai, squealing as she hit his chest and stumbled backwards onto the floor.

"Ouch!" She hissed, rolling over on her side, before she felt the presence of another close behind her.

Malakai dropped down on the floor, and examined the poor child. "Oh shít, Eb, you alright?" Malcolm rushed over, watching his best friend check up on his little sister when his phone rang. Eboni watched Malcolm look at Malakai who nodded his head before her brother disappeared into the other room. Malakai then turned towards her. She winched in pain when he touched her back, and watched him frowned.

"Eboni, you alright?" Eboni found herself speechless, when she noticed how close he was to her. How genuinely concerned he had become, and it sent butterflies through her stomach.

"I'm fine." She assured him, ignoring his hand when he offered to help her up off the floor. "I'm good, thanks for being concerned." Malakai smiled down at her, brushing his fingers through her hair like he always did.

"Any time Eb. You're like my lil sister." She nodded in appreciation, but mentally cringed at the thought of being classified in such an anti-romantic category. Why couldn't he have said, something completely absurd or just nothing at all! Malakai brushed his calloused fingers through her hair again, before giving her head a few pats as if she were a pet in need of affection. Malcolm walked back into the living room with a mysterious smile on his face, making Malakai quirk up an eyebrow in bewilderment.

"Kai, ya won't believe who just called!"

"Who?" Eboni inquired of her brother, earning scowls from both men.

Malcolm mushed her in the face, "Eboni, stay out of grown folks business." She pouted like a child once more, this time eliciting Malakai to chuckle at her misfortune.

"Who bruh?" Malakai asked.

"Nicki from the other night." Hazel eyes widened, which Eboni took notice of.

But it wasn't like Malakai liked her anyway. She was seventeen, and he was twenty-two-years old.

"Nah bruh, ya lyin!" Malakai exclaimed, draping his arm around Malcolm's neck as he shook his head and smiled. Eboni envied the way Malakai got all excited about someone else.

Why couldn't he be excited to see her?

Malcolm crossed his heart, and laughed aloud. "I swear to ya. She just called me and said her friend in town. And they are looking to have a good time tonight." Malakai laughed along side Malcolm, dapping him up at the idea.

"You already know." Malakai teased, earning another dap from Malcolm and a disgusted grunt from Eboni. She quickly looked in another direction when they both turned to look at her.

"Eboni, you say something?" Malcolm innocently asked.

"No Malcolm. I have better things to do than to listen to you two idiots." She retorted as she rolled her eyes and walked off.

She wished Malakai would be that excited to see her, one day.

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