Chapter Four

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Instead of returning to Tokyo that day, the twins decided it would be better to stay there in Chiba for the night. Atsumu was in no condition to travel after that confrontation. Osamu doesn't see it that way, but for Atsumu it was. The older is more sensitive about these matters and Osamu is honestly considerate, especially about his twin.

They didn't talk much that evening, and after dinner, Atsumu just went to bed. The faux blonde didn't even hide his disappointment and he kept sulking. Osamu tried talking it out, but the blonde kept ignoring him. They may have settled a thing or two earlier, but it wouldn't change the fact that Osamu did accuse his brother of the attempted murder of Dr. Homura.

Before they had their dinner, Osamu approached his brother, but the other just looked at him and then gazed away frowning.

The gray-haired twin sighed at this and started preparing dinner. He is a restaurant owner, and his specialty is onigiri. This doesn't limit his skills in the kitchen though. He is indeed a skilled chef, and he takes pride in this. One more look at his brother, he smiled bitterly.

He prepared his ingredients and began cooking Atsumu's favorite food—fatty tuna. He may have no top-grade ingredients, but he knew exactly the flavors Atsumu wanted. Ever since they moved out, Osamu was the one prepping their meals.

Osamu once again glanced at his brother who was busy with his camera. There was no day that he wasn't worried about Atsumu, though the blonde kept reassuring him that the job he was working on was safe and stable. There was just a tiny doubt in Osamu's heart about his brother.

Atsumu is a great liar. By that, it means that more than often, Atsumu would lie so Osamu wouldn't worry. It was Atsumu's nature to act tough and strong, but deep down, Osamu knew his brother well that even a smiling face couldn't trick him into believing that everything was fine.

After washing the dishes, he went straight to his bedroom. There, he saw Atsumu lying on the futon. The blonde took a single look at Osamu, before focusing his eyes again at his phone.

"Tsumu... Please..."

"Thank ya for believing in me, Osamu... But I don't really appreciate the fact that ya accused me of somethin' horrible like that." Atsumu admitted sitting slowly on the foam.

"I know... I'm sorry. I was just... worried..." Osamu said walking near his brother. He sat on the floor, looking at Atsumu.

"More than anyone else, ya should know that I am tryin' my very best to control them. I've been doin' all I can, Osamu." The blonde responded before sighing.

"I know that too well that's why I'm apologizin' to ya, Tsumu. Please... Let's fix this. Come to think of it... it's almost our birthday and we are arguin' over somethin' trivial—"

"Trivial? Osamu! No... That is not trivial. If the things were coincidental, ya will continue to just think and point out that I'm doin' somethin' crazy. I don't really see the reason to forgive ya cause... of all people out there in the world—my own... brother... is doubting me..." Atsumu said trembling, crying desperately making his point.

Osamu wasn't able to hold it in longer, he pulled Atsumu for a hug, his eyes brimming with uncontrollable tears.

"Sorry.. I'm sorry... Tsumu.. I really am sorry... Please, forgive me for havin' those stupid thoughts... Sorry if ya feel like I'm doubting ya... I don't... I just... I just wanted ya to be safe... Sorry." Osamu cried, sniffling.

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