🥀Chapter 1🥀

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                                                                                                           *2 Weeks Ago *

"Knock Knock Knock Knock"

"Go away!!!"

"E get up you need to get ready Ma and Mom said you should start getting dressed" Calista yelled.

I groan and try to sit up just enough to throw a pillow as my room door opens. Hitting my sister square in the chest with the pillow sending her flying back out the door with an "ooff". Stifling a giggle, I get up from the bed to check on her but before I could a wave of nausea hits me almost sending me to the floor.

"Enchantress oh my god are you okay dear." This time it's my mom rushing in past Calista still sprawled out on the floor. I manage to stabilize myself on the bed post. "I'm fine mom just a little nausea is all." I feel several pairs of eyes on me, so I look up to see almost all of my family in my room not going to lie it actually pissed me off because we have gone over this a thousand times before. Just as I was about to give them a piece of my mind Zephyra speaks first, "E why aren't you dressed your ceremony starts in an hour and a half, augh it's like you don't want to be crowned." Ouch that kind of actually hurt but what can I say I don't want to be the countess especially now that I'm pregnant.

"Ze me and you both know I don't want this but just like everything else it just so happened to fall on me." Actually, fuck this. ''Everybody get out!" I really didn't mean to yell but how can I not when everything always happens to me but never them. Ma and Mom never try to make them do anything, but they always seem to blame or make me do things any of them could do. "I'm so sorry little sis I didn't mean that it's just you're going to be late is all." "Please just leave I'm not feeling well and no you're right I have to get ready so would you all wait down in the foyer for me." I turn and leave before they can respond.

*20 minutes later*

During my bath I did a lot of thinking and by the end of my bath I was still thinking but due to my hormones being all of the place all I did was cry but I don't know why. Sitting at my vanity during my make up all I felt was emptiness even when I was married, I felt nothing but dread and loneliness. I don't know what it is but the closer I get to my eighteenth birthday the more intense it feels I think I should ask Ma and Mom about it.

I stand to put on my ceremonial gown Farlen had made for me since he is the seamstress it looks amazing even with my massive baby bump it fits like a glove and good in all the right places. I must admit all of my siblings are talented. Calista is an all-around make up and beauty mogul. Zephyra is a great veterinarian and stable hand when needed. Jorvik is an amazing fighter as well as a personal trainer and guard. And the triplets Vespera, Isode, and Eulalia are all teachers at the Academy teaching about the different abilities one might have and how to control them. And then there's me the youngest and the one that has to learn to do everything about everything that consists with the kingdom that even included having heirs to insure the succession of the royal bloodline. Which I hate because I'm about to be a single mother because I divorced my partner and now I'm bloated and always so emotional.

When I'm done, I headed downstairs with thirty minutes to spare. "Ma, Mom, can we talk really quick before we go, please."

"Yes, baby, are you okay." "I 'm fine I just really need to talk to you both before we head to the crowning ceremony." "Okay so what's up, is it the baby are you sick." Mom looks at Ma with a look of concern on her face. "No that's not it the baby is fine I've just been feeling a bit strange and wanted to see if you two would know how to fix this preferably in the next 25 minutes." "Just tell us and we'll work quick to find a solution." "Okay so I've been had this strange and almost agonizing feeling, it's like a heart ache and longing for something but I've tried everything and every way to try to find whatever it is but I ... I don't know." I say while pacing the room. "Enchantress when did this start?"

"Um it's been happening ever since I was married to Malin." I say facing the wall but when I turn back, they look frozen to the spot while we look at each other in silence. "Are you sure or was it after the bond was broken between you two?" Bond what the hell. "I'm sure if anything it intensified when I was with them it seems to be at its peak then but now it's more of a dull ache. And what did you mean by bond what bond?

"That means they lied..."



But before Mom could finish her sentence Ma had launched a chair across the room putting a huge dent in the wall. Not going to lie if it didn't seem to be a serious situation I would've laughed because who just throws furniture around like a lunatic.

"Ma why did you do that. Who lied?"

"Sweety well this means the Enriquez family lied to us they told us you were their mate and we believed them due to the fact that Malin was 26 at the time and you were 16 you wouldn't have known but they would have known from what you're telling us you knew well you're body knew that you were indeed not their mate. Meaning they lied to us in order to marry into the royal family." Ma stated through gritted teeth.

I have never seen Ma so angry and it kind of makes me sad and a little scared so I unconsciously cover my stomach. When Ma saw this she began to pace trying to come down while Mom looks highly annoyed and upset, and I'm not sure if she's upset with me or the Enriquez family.

"Honey I know what I'm about to ask you will make you uncomfortable but we know how you get pregnant. I know how obviously but we need to know so we'll know how to handle them and this situation." I don't know how to explain what they did or how it made me feel without breaking down. I know I should have had with them upon my hasty return but who wants to talk about this with their parents. I sigh as I sit at the table.

"I didn't know anything about a bond or anything about mates until now. Malin and I only met twice before you two told me I had to marry them. I was very angry with you guys for making me marry that creep but went along with it since you said it was good for both Kingdoms. So I decided that I wouldn't tell you anything about the marriage until I decided to divorce them." I say playing with the hem of my dress.

"We're so sorry that we didn't make you feel safe enough to tell us. But baby how did that happen." Mom says looking at my protruding belly. I look away I was hoping she would forget about that.

"Okay. Malin was a creep that was always there in the shadows even before we officially met each other they were always around.  But when we got married they were more unhinged than normal, they would always try to keep me isolated from anyone else even you all. There were several nights I would wake up to them sitting on the floor staring at me or others where they would try to initiate sex in which I declined and they'd get angry and lock me in the room for days only to come back smelling like wild berries and sex. This continued on until a month before my birthday. On that nice I overheard Malin sleeping with a girl next door and she sounded really familiar but I didn't see her only heard part of their conversation. Malin said that "I wasn't it and that they'll keep me anyway just for fun." The woman disagreed with Malin saying "me being pregnant with their child would guarantee them a chance of taking what belongs to them and it gets me out of the way of the plan."

"After that night I started making a plan to divorce Malin and leave before their little plan could work so I called home and told them not to tell you anything and help me get back home. But I was like Malin knew about the call and the next night I woke to them pulling down my panties I looked down and saw Malin, I began to fight and manage to get away but before I made it through the door something struck me and everything went black. The next morning I was covered in all kinds of marks as well as blood on the sheets between my legs. After that Malin would chain me to the bed and defile me every night until sisters and brothers came get me."

By the time I finished I was crying and so were my parents who vowed to make them pay. So we came up with a plan. And went to the Ceremony , After I was made Countess of both of my parents conjoined Kingdoms out of nowhere we were getting attacked by none other than the Grolon Kingdom lead by the Enriquez family. During the attack they made their purpose known that they would take me to be Malin's pet and take over both of my Kingdoms. My Ma and Mom took me to a clearing just before the border to the human town and told me to go to the Aetorelux Village and find the Dimitrescu Castle and that they would find me and bring me back home when this war was over.

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