@~~Wedding Time~~@

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(Tris POV)
I woke up by Christina practically banging at my door and I groaned.
"Five more minutes " I shouted to her.
Instead of her stop knocking the door was kicked in and Shauna stood there smiling widely and next to her Christina.
"Come on sleepy head its wedding time " Christina squealed
I flinched at her high squeaky voice and put the pillow over my head and mumbled.
" I don't give a fuck "

(Tobias POV)
I mumbled in my sleep saying:
"keep going, Tris"
"Who's giving a blow job? Your pillow, or what?" Zeke said holding him self from laughing out loud. I sat up and glared at Zeke.
"If you're not out of this fucking room in when I've counted to 3! YOUR FUCKING DEAD AND AUTOMATICALLY NOT MY BEST MAN ANYMORE!"
Zeke ran laughing out of the room.
I got out if bed and mutter to myself .
"Jesus this day will be long " then I remembered that today was my wedding day.  SHIT I completely forgot about that.  I jumped out of  bed running out of the room in to the shower.

------Time Lapse to the ceremony ----

I stood by the thing at the thing you stand by and saw the doors become open and there she was. (forgot the name xc) Tris.  She looked like a fairytale princess and she smiled widely and I smiled back.

"Tobias Four Eaton do you take Beatrice Tris Eaton to your beloved wife to love until death overcomes ya?" Max asks 

"I do" I said

"Beatrice Tris Prior do you take Tobias Four Eaton to your beloved husband to love until death overcomes ya?" Max asks

"I do " she said

"Now its time for your vows" Max said.

"Beatrice when I first fell in love with you was when fell from the roof on your first day in dauntless. i thought it would be easy to train to become a dauntless but it wasn't cause I fell in love with you and that made everything so much harder. When we first kissed I knew I'd found my new home because tris your my home and I wanna live with you the rest of my life"I said and I saw his eyes were having tears.

"Tobias or should I call you Four? I dont know but the truth is i dont care because whatever your name is I will love you. I fell in love with you the way you smile,laugh,talk everything about so I can't wait to have life with you." she said.

"You may now kiss the bride" Max said

"Is it okay if I make out instead?" I asked and laughed

"yes it is" max laughed

and then I started to make out with her and all of our friends and loved one cheered.

Then we ran out of the room and out to the pit. Where the party was.

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