Chapter One: Open Eyes

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Chapter One

Izuku never thought about the ten thousand people who end up dead under mysterious circumstances every year. In a world where almost the entire population can use a quirk, collateral damage is to be expected. It's not as if he wasn't caring of the dead, but he didn't consider it something that could be solved in a world without All Might or a figure like him. Despite defeating Overhaul and rescuing Eri, Izuku was unable to find Tomura Shigaraki or the rest of his League of Villans, he wasn't ready to fully take on the legacy All Might left behind.

Despite believing that the ten thousand was a part of an urban myth, he still read Mei's email, which was a full research paper on a phenomenon known as Curses. The idea was absurd at a glance that invisible demons were wandering the streets being birthed from negative emotions. Despite this, Mei believed that these so-called curses were the reason that so many people died a mysterious death. Certain events, including a recent incident at the Eishu Juvenile detention center, connected to mysterious deaths.

Izuku was sitting on a roof as he sighed and tilted his head to look up to the sky. "Well, it's a good theory, Mei, but if curses were real, someone would have found out about them by now." Izuku said outloud, knowing that no one else would have access to the rooftop.

"Well, they only appear in Japan, and I have the glasses to prove it." A voice familiar to Izuku called out to him. As Izuku lowered his head, he suddenly jumped back, nearly falling off the building to his demise. Izuku regained himself as he saw Mei Hatusme in the flesh standing before him.

"Mei, what are you doing here." Izuku questioned as she walked up to Izuku.

"You doubted my theory, so I'm here to prove you wrong with these." Mei said, pulling a pair of goggles off her forehead and tossing them to Izuku. They seemed like normal goggles, and as Izuku held them up to his eye, he couldn't tell what exactly their purpose was. "This baby will let you witness curses and also prove my theory is more than true." Mei said with a confident grin only an inventor could wear.

Izuku had no reason not to try on the goggles. After all, if Mei was right, it would be an extraordinary experience. If Mei was wrong, there weren't any downsides besides some disappointment. Putting them over his eyes, he couldn't see any curses, only Mei and the building they stood upon. Izuku was disappointed, and he sighed as he turned back to look at Mei only to see something behind her. In the distance over a high school was a black and blue disk. It pulsated in the sky somehow, remaining in place like an unidentified flying object.

Izuku took off the goggles, but it disappeared only to reappear when he put them back on. As he looked at the disc, it expanded and became a dome that encased the high school inside of it. Even from this distance something deep inside of himself could feel a sense of foreboding and dread. "Mei that dome it must be related to your curse theory." Izuku said as his body began to glow with green electricity a sign that he had activated One For All.

"See, I told you, my, I was right." Mei said, unaware of the sense of dread hanging over Izuku due to the domes malevolent energy and aura. "I'll let you keep that baby, so go investigate." Mei said excitedly. The opportunity for curses to become a legitimate study discovered by her own genius invigorated her.

Izuku nodded his head, giving a quick "Thank you." Before he jumped off the building, heading towards the dome not wasting anytime as memories of Overhaul and Eri flashed through his mind. If he had acted sooner and saved Eri before Overhaul took her back, Mirio wouldn't have lost his quirk. His inaction  directly caused Mirio to lose his dream, and Izuku wouldn't allow a repeat of the past to occur. If Mei was correct and the dome had curses inside of its borders, then lives were at stake.

"This time, no one will get hurt." He said aloud, a solom vow he made to himself.

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