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                                                                                  Lucy's P.O.V

Lately things have been going down hill for me. When ever I get dirty looks. If I said I don't know why I would be telling a lie. It's all my fault. It happened a little bit after the guild was brought back together. (a/n: spoiler if ya have not read up to chapter 437 in the manga.)

           I had just gotten through the shock of losing Yukino. she was on a mission with Sting, Rouge,  and Minerva. When a mind control mage turned Sting, Rouge, and Minerva against her. Well lets just say things got ugly and we lost her. I was almost as bad as sting . But they had a thing so he was worse. Anyways back to the story at hand.

         Natsu had decided that me greiving with Sting was something more. So he started to avoid me, any time we went on a job or hung out in the guild he would say nasty things about me. Eventually almost everyone else started to hate me. I'm so stupid if I had not been with Sting so much I would still have my friends. I would still have Natsu.

      Soon after that I was kicked of Team Natsu, I was so upset I became depressed. I never went on jobs any more. I eventually lost my apartment, I became homeless. But I was still so depresseed I didn't really care, in fact it only made me more depressed. Also because no one liked me, no one let me in. Happy tried to help by inviting me to his and Natsu's house. But that only made Natsu more mad at me. I shuddered at the memory.


"Happy what the hell are you thinking!?" Natsu shouted at the already crying exceed.

"I..I..I'm sorry Nat-zu she needed a place to stay, it's so cold outside." happy cried.

" Like I give a shit! I will not have this skank in my house!" Natsu yelled with rage. Happy flinched." Get out of my house Lucy Heartfilia, you can freeze to death for all I care!".

He pushed me out the door, making me land in the cold snow, and slamed the door in my face.


I've got nothing left here. No friends, No home , No money. It's time for me to go. I erase the pink guild mark off my hand and go.

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