Round 3: To the Finish Line

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"The next face off will be to the finish line. The teams have already chosen who will compete...blah...blah...blah... Fairy Tail's Mira Jane, and Roar Omega Roar's Metalicana." Mato announced.

This is it, this is where the real fun starts. I heard all of Fairy Tail gasp and start to whisper. In fact the whole arena started to whisper. I guess everyone know about the great Gajeel's foster dad who 'died'. Gajeel looked so shocked it almost wasn't funny. Metalicana started to laugh and walk onto the field.

"This will be a race through a series of obstacles who ever make it to the finish line first wins" Mato explained. The race started and Metalicana dashed to the front. Mira was shocked and changed into Satan Soul to go faster. But that didnt help her at all.

    The obsicals shot up from the ground as the contestents darted right and left to dodge them. After a few moments it was just Metalicana and Mira. The rest of the contestants kinda gave up after seeing the two destroy a couple obsticles by running through them at the same time.

     All of the sudden there was this pain in my back. It hurt so bad, I didn't know what it was but it wasnt pleasant. I started to scream then my vison went black.

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