Round 1: Battle of the Strengths (Part One)

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"The first round is battle of the strengths. Teams pick your player and send them down to the arena" Mato announced. Even though we pulled the strings to get in we did not know the events. But we though that in battle of the strengths Fairy Tail would send Erza, So we sent Kaapo.

"Win but don't overpower her okay?"I whispered to him. He nodded and walked out keeping his hood up.I was honestly kind of worried. Last time I saw her Erza had no chance of beating a dragon, but if I gained this much power in six years there's no telling how much she could have gained. I looked at his retreating back and prayed to the gods that he will be okay. Me and Kaapo have gotten close, he is the person I would tell every thing to (right after Igneel). He is really tall and has brown hair. He is really awkward and funny. But all around he is strong and sweet, He would do anything to protect his friends. (A/N: when i put this together i think of the wonderful Daniel James Howell so ya that's who he shall look like and share personalities with .And for those who do not know of this beauty he is above).

Erza's p.o.v

The name of the round included battle so I volunteered. I looked over to Roar Omega Roar and saw the hooded female taking to a hooded male. He nodded and walked to the arena. I turned and walked to the arena myself. I looked around at my opponents..hmmm..this wont be to hard. Then I looked over at the Roar Omega Roar guy. He kept his head low and his hood on. He may be a bit of a challenge, but not to much because after all I am the mighty Titania.

"Nothing special here folks just giving you a chance to see the best warriors of each guild. From Thunder eagles we have Katsumi Himura, from Heavens Anomalies Masrau Hashimoto, from Fel Foxes Sakurako Miyamoto, from Protection of the Angelic Ran Kita, from Secrets of the Night we have Hideko Hisakawa, from Sabertooth we have Minerva, From Fairy tail we have "Titania" Erza Scarlet, From Roar Omega Roar we have Kaapo" Mato said. someone in Secrets of the Night gasped, I wonder what that was about.

"We will have one on one battles with players with the same amount of strength, Who ever wins will move on eventually we will have a final battle. The first one on one set up will be: Katsumi and Masrau, Sakurako and Kita, Erza and Hideko, and finally Kaapo and Minerva" Mato finished.

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