Round 1: Battle of the Strengths (Part Two)

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I turned to face Hideko she looked confadent but I could see it in her eyes. I understand I am such a strong opponent it is almost unfair to everyone here, In the past few years I have become close with Minerva and trained with her, Not only was I good at my requip magic but combined with her space magic. It made me and Minerva practically invincible.It made me feel bad for hideko and that kaapo man.

"I am so sorry for this Hisakawa-senpai, please forgive me." I bowed to her and apologized ahead of time. I requiped into my heavens wheel amor and used the space magic to appear behind her and take her down. She fell and I sayed a little prayer for her recovery. My one on one was finished so I looked around. Minerva's one on one was still going on. Hmm he may be a bit of a haggle if he beats her.

-20 minutes later-

The battle between the others have finished. It is just Minerva and Kaapo. The battle has slowed down but only because Minerva was running out of magic and was getting tired. Suddenly he went real close to her and spoke to her. She looked at him and knodded.

" I surrender my battle to Kaapo" she shouted to the crowd. To say I was surprised was a major understatement. I ran up to her as she feel. I asked her why she gave him her win. She looked at the girl from Roar Omega Roar and the at me. Her face was sad when she said that he had a bigger goal than every one else here.

I looked up at the girl and back at my friend it must be a big thing. Winning and being the best is in Minerva's blood, for her to give up a win is something not even I can do even with our years of friendship. Next was an easier battle everyone knew who was going to the finals after Minerva gave up. Me and Kaapo.

I faced him in the final battle.

"Its nice to finally meet you Kaapo. You are quite a fighter" I spoke to him.

"so are you Titania. To bad I must win this battle. For her" He replyed looking at the girl. I looked up and there was another girl up there holding the original's hand.

"she looks worried for you. Does she know of my powers?" I asked

"Not exactly, She knows what you are capable of but not all of your current abilities. That is why she is timid and worried of our battle. But she also know of my powers and has faith in me." He smiled. I glanced up and the girls stance has relaxed some and she was smiling.

" Can she hear us? Is that why she is reacting as we speak" I looked over at him.

" Lets fight" He smirked. He pounced at me he pulled a swored out of no were.

" oh so you are a requip mage to " I smirked at him nd pulled out at sword.

" Oh I am so much more than that" he laughed and dodged my attack. I appeared behind him and tried to swipe at him but he was missing. He has spacial magic too, I gasped. He poped up behind me and hit me in the back with the butt of his sword. I fell to the ground some but quickly moved ahead of him. I slashed at his back and he graoned.

I heard her gasp. His hood was ripped off with my cut. He was quite a looker. All of the sudden I heard a voice in my head. This wasn't supposed to happen im so sorry Erza-chan. Everything went black for a minuet or two. Then there was a flash of light. I looked around. I was little and had a white rag dress.

NO...WAIT...IT CANT BE. I was back in the tower. I curled up in a ball and prayed that this would go away. When I opened my eyes again I was in...the infirmary? What just happened? I looked around and saw Porlyusca.

"Porlyusca what happened?" I asked the older woman She looked at me surprised.

" Oh uh well dear you blacked out during your fight with the young man from Roar Omega Roar. You must have used up to much magic in you previous battle and did not know it." She replyed looking unsure.

"oh um thank you porlyusca" I smiled. She saw my smile and smiled to.

"how are Minerva-chan and Hideko-chan?" I asked her getting out of the bed.

"They are doing fine now but you need to rest dear." She layed me back down.

"wait is day one finished?" I asked her drifting to sleep

"Yes dear not much happened though in the actual one on ones' though. Fairy Tail won their battle as expected. So did sabertooth, and Roar Omega Roar, and um secrets of the night I belive. " She replyed I smiled even though I let us down we still had the strength to win our one on one.

Lucy's p.o.v

We were celebrating our victories for day one when Kaapo started walking over.

"Uh Oh Attora hide me he knows." I hide behind Attora.

"hey Attora mind if I steal her for a second?" He asked Attora.She laughed and move aside so he could grab my hand and pull me away. I looked back at her and mouthed TRAITOR she just laughed.

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