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So , hello everyone today I'm here to share some memorable moments of my pre pregnancy and post pregnancy . I hope you guys like to hear me .

Now I'm the mother of two babies , No...! It's three coz ruhaan also behaves like a baby . Literally he became more child than a father . Although he does everything by taking care of three of us but still I never thought he can be so childish too . Well we both are cherishing our parenthood with all our love .

Motherhood is truly a blessing , The blessings of embracing the divinity of our love is truly ethereal . I really feel the shortage of words to describe the feelings of becoming a parent of two children .

I thought becoming a mother would be so challenging in my pregnancy times due to my constant mood swings , my swollen feet , the sleeping position etc...

Sometimes Ruhaan used to rest himself on the headboard of the bed in the middle of the night making me lay on his chest while his chest supported my back and his hands gently wrapped me and our babies in my tummy . It was the most comfort position to sleep in my pregnancy but I didn't let him sleep in that position daily although I wanted to sleep so badly coz I was worried about him too , he can't sleep in his sitting position whole night everyday .

In my whole nine months pregnancy we didn't had intimacy coz I was scared thinking what if our baby gets hurt and even ruhaan too didn't thought of having intimacy because he never look at me with lust , his eyes are always filled with love towards me . He used to massage my feet , kiss my belly and my forehead before sleeping . He used to feed me and also cook my favourite dishes for me .

I used to have typical mood swings that sometimes I used to yell at ruhaan for silly reasons but he used to kiss me and hug me from by back , caressing my hairs to calm me . I used to regret for yelling at him and I always kissed his forehead as an apology .

I learned jewellery designing perfectly with the help of my mother in law coz I've felt bored staying at home without doing anything and I had done my degree in Nutrition so , I only took nutritious food in my pregnancy and I completely avoided all sort of packed foods but I used to crave for chocolates and ruhaan literally made home made chocolates for me .

He is really a perfect husband , sometimes he used to cancel his important meetings just to stay with me and take care of me . I didn't like that so , I requested him that I will go to Hyderabad and stay with mom coz usually in our family the pregnant women goes to her house in 5th or 7th month of pregnancy .

Ruhaan was mad at me when I told him that I wanna go to hyderabad but I explained him calmly that he can't avoid his work to stay with me all the time . The company is also like our child , we need to make it grow and we can't neglect it . It's the source of our income which should be respected . After convincing him alot he agreed he won't neglect his work anymore but he still didn't agree with me to go to hyderabad . So , I called my mom here coz even my mother in law also works for the company although she is doing work from home for me but still I feel I want my mom to be my side .

My mom came and diya didn't come with mom , actually I thought diya would come but she didn't coz she don't want papa to be alone at home .

Sometimes ruhaan used to get only nights to spend with me because mom and my mother in law were too busy with me by making me listen to pleasant songs , telling spiritual stories , feeding me and making me do excercise etc ...

Aditya was so excited about my pregnancy he used to say " Bhabhi I want a cham so , that we both fight with ruhaan Bhai ".

I chuckled..., adi really makes me laugh and smile whenever he visits and Shivani aunty ( Aditya's mom ) always sends some sweets and fruits for me . Really Shivani aunty is so sweet , I like her .

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