Chapter Nine

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I quickly took my phone and called charlie he sounded as excited as me .I didn't wanna jinx it so I decided not to tell anyone else .

It was Monday ,I was really not looking forward to go to school just that after school I was gonna go to set .

All through school I patiently waited for school to end .I went into am empty classroom as I normally did because everywhere was so noisy .

I saw Caly there as well .

"Caly what are you doing here ?".

"Oh nothing and you ".

"Same ".

"So ...."then everyone went awkward.

Then Caly brought out a goofy photo of him and me ,he started laughing I just frowned.

"Ohh it's like that "I said .

"Yeah it's like that ".

Then out of impulse I hugged Caly I said the words that I swore not to say .

"Caly I still love you "then I kissed patonatemy on the lips,at that time all the information I felt in my heart was poured into the kiss.

"Caly why are you kissing my girlfriend"charlie said behind me .

Then he came closer aiming to punch Caly .I quickly stepped in the way and he punched me instead my cheek was swallown and purple ,then tbe cure look that was always on Caly "s fave disappeared Jr just grabbed my hand and took me out of the classroom.Word spread out about my face and no amount of makeup could cover the swallow cheek so they gave my role to someone else .

"I can't believe this happened my dream role and my dreams crushed "all because of charlie I said as I cried .

"Cookie I am so sorry "I said placing my hand on Brianna 's hand .As wr drove to her house ,she didn't even look at me she kept looking outside when she got home her mom freaked out .

"I told you not to date that low life but as usual you went against me "

  Dad just came over and hugged me .I couldn't cry I was just numb .I went upstairs without saying a word to anyone ,Caly followed me upstairs.

He wrapped his arm around me as I cried my heart out ,hw kept stroking my hair comfortingly as I was still crying .Then I saw all my dreams float away ,they are gonna kick me our of the star girl show and nobody will ever hire me I said to myself.

Caly figured I needed aline time so he left .I slept with anger in my heart constantly replaying the current incident .It was morning and I woke smelling freshly baked pancakes.Inwoje up to see Caly holding out a test on pancakes to me .

I ate them and got dressed for school,when I got to school everyine looked at me with sympathy and came up to show it .When Charlie entered biology  class everyine glared at him , nobody wanted to seat near him ,I kinda felt bad for him but he totally feserved it .

As he approached me ,enryone in class blocked him .

"I can't believe you have the guts to even talk to her after what you did "a student said .

"Ya dude ,that was totally messed up "another student said .

"Leave ,she doesn't want to see your face "Caly spoke angrily.

Charlie just backed up .He cornered me in the hallway .

"Bri I am sorry,I didn't mean to punch you ".

"Charlie you have the nerve to even talk to me, get out of my face ,I hate you ,so even if you were aiming to hit caly so that's how you will destroy his face ".

"Briana he was kissing you ".

I just left I did was wrong for kissing another guy but I couldn't chose .

When I got home ,I checked Instagram and the girl who they gave my role I just sighed .

"Briana hi who ate you feeling now ".mom said .

"Grey "

"Bri Caly totally likes you why don't you give him a chance ".

"Darling ,don't pressure her to date now "dad said as he came downstairs.

"But I am just saying "mom said .

"Listen ,darling if she is going to date she will date who she wants and when she wants".

"If you say "mom said .

I went upstairs and amber called me .

"Hey Bri "amber said .

"Hi amber *.

"Bri I am sorry for what happened to you and you didn't deserve what happened ".

"Thanks ".

"Your welcome ,so what really happened ".

"Well he was aiming to punch Caly but I stepped in and he hit me instead " .

"Ohh ,but why "I couldn't tell anyone that I kissed him so I just made up some dumb thing .

"Well you know how guys are well but I just think it's just some dumb fight ".

"I can't believe that charlie can hit you like that ".

"Well the deed has already been done ".

"Amber who do you think I should be with Charlie or Caly ".

"Bri look deep into your heart if you love charlie pick him and if you love Caly pick him ".

"Hang on ,tanner is calling ".

"Hey tanner ".

"Hey bri wait what happened to your face ".

"Charlie ,he wanted to punch Caly I got in tbe way so he punched me instead ".

"Bri I flying over there to see you right now ".

"No tanner I am fine ".

"Your not fine ,oh I am gonna teach that Charlie a lesson ".

"No tan--"then he hung up .

"Who was that ".

"Oh it was tanner ".

"So what did he say ,he just asked abotr me and told me he was coming for charlie.

"Ya bri I totally agree with him".

"Magness of course ".

"Why ".

"That Charlie needs to be taught a lesson "then she ended tbe call .

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