Chapter elrnem .

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Brianna was walking in the school hallway ,when Caly cornered her .

"Cookie I was wondering if you are free today can we maybe go on a date ".

"Sure pick me up by seven ".

"Thanks "Then she walked to class still smiling to her self .

"What are you smiliie about "amber asked as she gigled.

"Well Caly asked me out ".

"Omg bri I am so happy for you ,I will come over later to pick out an outfit for you ".

"Ok ,so you and Daniel "Brianna said nudging amber.

"Ok we're just good friends ".

"Hmm if you say so ,Daniel ,Daniel ".

"Bri stop don't call him over ".

"Daniel ,yes over here ".

"Shoot ,hey Daniel ".

"Hey amber , Brianana why did you call me ".

"Well I wanted to know ,soo do you like amber ".

"Brianna" ,amber said while looking embarrassed.

"Um ,ya o kinda of do I mean she is pretty and fun ".

"Ooh,amber you and Daniel siting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g".

"Bri stop ".

"I best be going now don't wanna disturb tbe love birds"briamna said walking away .

Amber's POV

"Amber can wr like grab some ice cream Friday night ".

"Ya ok ".

"So it's a date ".

"Ya ".

When Daniel left I started jumping and squealing like a teen who just found out that she was getting a car .

"Amber could you keep it down we are having a class"a teacher said .

*I am so sorry ma'am ".Well I was done I texted Maddy about everything and she texted back 😆.

Charlie POV.

I can't believe she kissed Caly and I thought Cally kissed her .Brianna I really love you ,I really do but what you did was unfair and unacceptable so I have to move on .I can't harbour all this anger in my heart,you were my first love and will always be but sorry .

"Hello Maddy ".

"Hey Charlie".

"Maddy I have agreed I wanna be your boyfriend".

"Aww Charlie thanks ,I love you".

It was hard to say those words to another girl , outside from Brianna .But I said it .

"Love you too".

I felt a big hole in my heart and it kept hurting and hurting .I just looked at my phone's home screen which was Brianna 's face..

My two weeks of suspension was over .When k got to school I walked in hand in hand with Maddy ,everyone looked shocked and greatly astonished .But if you walk in with a queen bee ,br automatically show you respect.

I saw Brianna 's face and it made me happy that the swelling on her face was almost gone .

"Briana will you be my girlfriend"caly said as he held a huge heart .

She looked at me ,then looked back at Caly and said the answer that will completely crush my heart ."Yes Caly I will ,I love you ".Then he pulled het into a hug .Everyone around started to clap and cheer ,but me I felt really sad and downcasted .But Maddy just gave me that look that she knew what I was passing through ,but I should be fine .She just quickly took me out of there and pulled me into an empty classroom.

"Charlie ,I know that must have hurt a lot seeing your live with another ,but just know I am here for you and I love you "then she hugged me ,of course at that time I wanted to cry but I can't cry Infront of a girl .

Each time I passed,I always saw caly and Brianna together they were the IT couple of the school . Eventually Daniel and Amber started to date ad well .

Brianna is dating her dream guy while I am here with a crushed heart I thought to myself .But dating Maddy wasn't so bad it was actually amazing and her mom really liked me .Even though I missed bti ,o mafe space in my heart for Maddy .

When I got home ,granny looked at me with a disappointed look .

"Charlie ,I saw on tbe news that you and Maddy were dating ".

"Yes granny ".

"But wasn't she the one that broke your heart " .

"Yes granny,but weren't you the one that said forgive others because you may be forgiven ".

"Yes I said that but what aboyt Brianna ".

'brianna made her choice and no one can change it and besides Maddy is a great girl ".

"Listen Charlie ,you gotta be careful who you give your heart to because if a blind man gives all his trust to a greedy person ,the blind man will end up hurt ".

"Granny ,I gave my heart to bti but she broke it and I don't wanna be heartbroken again ".

"So Brianna broke your heart '.

"Yes she did ".

"Do you still love her ".

I sighed "no ,not anymore ".

"Charlie love never dies and will nrver die ,maybe she might have left you but deep in your heart you feel shattered ".

"Granny ,I have moved on ".

'Charlie if it's meant to br ,bti will come back but if it isn't they so be it ".

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