Nathan's POV

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Once Katlyn is through the checkpoint Nathan is called forward, they pat him down while he watches Kate being elbowed by a dark skinned woman, and shouts confrontationally. He notices the two stare at each other but not saying anything else, the woman walks away down an alley and out of his sight. As he is cleared goes to call out Katlyn's name when he is thrown across into the side of the building beside him when the force from an explosion launches him into the building. His vision is blurry as he rolls over onto his stomach watching the distorted figures in front of him moving around, his vision comes back just enough to see Kate laying on her stomach with soldiers around her. He feels a tight grip on his shoulder as he's slowly rolled over, and a small light is shined into his eyes as a distorted voice tries to speak to him but he can't make sense of it. His vision begins to fade into darkness and he passes out.

Some time later he begins to regain consciousness, slowly his vision clears up. He doesn't recognize where he is. He is laid on a bed similar to a hospital. Bandages cover some cuts and scrapes on his face, wires connected to a machine beeping beside.

Ugh what the hell happened? Where am I?

A young Asian woman walks in wearing a Doctor's outfit smiling to see him awake.

"Ah you're awake now. You'd been out for a little while." She says as she reads over his chart and gives him a brief examination now that he's awake.

A hospital? What the fuck happened?

"Do you know where you are? What day is it?" She asks him with a soft voice.

"Ugh.. a hospital. It's Thursday." He replies with brief stutters, the Doctor is visibly happy with the response.

She asks him a couple more questions, do you know your name? He replies saying, Nathan James. She asks him if he knew what happened, or how he ended up at the hospital, he shakes his head.

"There was an explosion at a checkpoint, and the Medics brought you into us for treatment. You have some bruising on our rips from when the blast threw you into the side of the building. Luckily for you it's nothing serious." She explains.

Lucky? If this is what luck feels like I'd hate to feel unlucky.

Before she can continue a light skinned, average height male wearing a black uniform with an ATTF patch on his shoulders enters followed by two soldiers in the same black ATTF uniforms. Nathan recognizes the man immediately,

Ah shit! Of all people HE had to be the one!?

"Are you okay, Nathan? Where's Kate?" The man asks,

"I'm fine, Mr. Ward. I don't know where she is. She went through ahead of me before the blast." He explains, the man, Katlyn's Father, balls his hands into a fist clearly emotional while trying to stay composed.

His composure changes after he receives a phone call. His expression goes from emotional to one of anger.

"Sergeant! Take his Statement. I have to return to HQ, there's a matter that requires my attention." He turns and marches quickly out of the room.

The two soldiers begin questioning and interviewing Nathan for any details regarding the attack. He mentions the woman who Katlyn had the stare down with on the sidewalk, officially making her a person of interest.

A district wide lockdown is now in affect! All citizens should clear the streets or risk detention! Repeat! A district wide lockdown is now! All citizens should clear the streets or risk detention!

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