Chapter Three

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The Humvee arrives outside of a large multiple-story building with a sign that reads North Vancouver District Police Headquarters. Two MP's with plate carriers, berets, batons and pistols on their belts are waiting. One of them opens the back passenger door while the second grabs her by the arm, and pulls her roughly out of the vehicle, she grunts in discomfort from the manhandling as she's almost dragged up the stairs into the building. They walk her through the lobby, and taken directly into an interview room, she tries to convince them to let her all her dad to resolve the misunderstanding but they ignore her. The MP releases her arm, and cuts the ties off of her hand, she grabs her wrist and rubs it seeing a mark left from the ties digging into her skin.

She's told, take a seat, before the MP closes the door leaving Katlyn alone in the room, with just a metal table and chairs bolted into the floor. She looks around the room, looking through the blackened one-way window, giving the middle finger to anyone who is possibly on the other side before eventually sitting down letting out a heavy sigh.

So much for innocent until proven guilty. All they had to do was let me call my dad. Now things are going to get messy, for them. Because when he finds out about this, heads will roll.

Roughly five minutes later the door opens, and an Officer walks in with a very intimidating manner wearing a black uniform with ATTF on his shoulder, followed by an MP both of whom have pistols on their hips. The ATTF soldier with an average build sits on the chair on the opposite side of the table and puts a folder in front of him.

"My name is Sergeant Matthew. I'll make this simple for you to understand: answer my questions honestly, and this will all be over quick. But make things difficult, and I feel like you're lying to me and this will not be a pleasant experience for you. Do I make myself clear?" He asks while still trying to intimate Katlyn with his firm tone of voice.

Unpleasant for me? HA I guarantee if anyone is gonna regret this it's not gonna be me.

Katlyn leans over the table, meeting his gaze with her own with her arms folded over each other.

"I have nothing to say to you! You are making a very big mistake. Call my father and you'll see." Her eyes lock with his.

The soldier sighs before saying, hard way it is then. He leans over the table with his hands put together,

"Look1 Mommy and Daddy can't help you! You were seen holding a phone at the scene of the attack on an Army checkpoint." He barks at her,

"I was texting my dad before the bomb went off. Something you'd seen if you actually checked my phone in processing. I didn't realize that texting was a crime now." She says with a half sarcastic response.

"It's best for you not to get smart with me little girl!" She snaps at her, he takes photos out of the folder that show her and the woman who bumped into her standing together on the sidewalk.

"Texting isn't a crime: but collaborating with terrorists is! This was taken by a camera on the same street where the attack took place, and you are seen here clearly speaking to this man. Who is she? Who are you with? The NRA?" He asks the questions rapidly, and repeatedly in an attempt to overwhelm her.

The Interrogation continues with the ATTF soldier asking the same questions, getting frustrated with her,

Answer the fucking question: are you with the Northern Revolution Army?!" He scouts slamming his hand on the table, but she doesn't flinch, simply saying, call my dad.

The door is busted open, catching everyone's attention as a man with a black military-style uniform also with ATTF on his shoulder enters, making both the men stand at attention once they realize who he is.

Oh speak of the devil and he shall appear. Now your fucked asshole!

"I'm curious to hear what excuse you have for interrogating my daughter after her, and her friend were victims of a terrorist attack, Sergeant." Katlyn's father asks while walking over the his daughter making sure she's not hurt.

The once angry expression suddenly drops now that he knows who is standing in front of him: Lieutenant Michelle Ward, current Commander of the ATTF for the District. His boss. Commander Ward looks at the photos sitting on the table, he inspects them before walking around the table and getting right into the Sergeant's face.

"I ask you a question: Do you have a reason for detaining, and questioning my daughter? Or questioning her without her rightful legal representation?" He asks with such an unsettlingly calm tone it even gives Katlyn the shivers.

The Sergeant explains why she was originally detained, why she was brought in, but can't give an explanation as to why her lawyer was never contacted or why he was not informed in her detention.

So we arrest people without due process, and for holding phones now? If I was to pull my phone out would that make me a terrorist, Sergeant?" He snaps while pulling out his phone and bringing it up to the Sergeants face so he can see it, the Sergeant simply says, no, sir.

"You ever pull a stunt like this again, and I'll make sure you are scraping shit off of the sidewalks with your fingernails! Do I make myself perfectly clear?" The Sergeant swallows hard, eyes still burning holes into the wall across from him saying, crystal, sir.

Michelle gestures for Katlyn to get up and when she does she shoots the Sergeant a cheeky look that says, should have listened asshole. His eyes narrow as he glares back at her as the two leave the room. Soldiers and MP's salute Michelle while he marches through the lobby still furious over Katlyn's, what he believes to be, wrongful detention. They enter Michelle's ATTF Humvee since he's still on duty but he was to make sure Katlyn gets home safely without any more incidents. Katlyn asks what happened to Nathan, he explains that he was taken to the Hospital for his injuries.

"What? He was hurt? Can I see him?" She asks with a panicked tone, and a worried expression.

"Command is putting a curfew in after the attack so you can't see him." He explains, Kate's expression saddens at the fact she can't see her friend.

"I'll stop by the hospital on my way home and check on him for you, okay? I'll make sure he knows you want to see him." He continues with an emphatic tone, knowing she wants to be there with him.

They pull into the driveway, Katlyn hugs her dad before getting out of the Humvee. She enters the house and tosses her keys into a glass bowl on a small table next to the door, she lets out a sigh while she takes her leather jacket off as she enters the living room. She throws it over the back of the couch and flops onto it tired from the chaos of the day, she groans as she sinks deep into the cushions. Her thoughts dwell mainly on Nathan worrying about her friend, she knows if anything was seriously wrong her dad would have told her but it doesn't make her feel any better not seeing him with her own eyes.

I hope he'll be okay. This day was fucking crazy... That woman was definitely with the NRA, or at least one of the small rebel factions who operate in the city. She knows my face! She must know I was taken by the MP's, why if she thinks I ratted her out? Am I in danger now?

Time: 22:30

By order of the ATTF, A mandatory curfew is now in effect! All citizens must return to their homes or face detention! Repeat, by order of the ATTF, a mandatory is now in effect! All citizens must return to their homes or face detention! This is for your own safety, please return home immediately!

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