Chapter Four

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She wakes up early the next morning after not getting much sleep because of a nightmare she had of the bombing, not that a good night's sleep is something she's ever really cared about especially given that she wanted to leave the house to visit Nathan the moment the curfew hours were over for the morning. As soon as the curfew is announced over until the evening she leaves the house hoping the bus will be somewhat on time. The bus eventually arrives almost twenty minutes late which was to be expected given most people couldn't get to work until the curfew ended, she boards the bus with a handful of other people already on and sits while her mind buzzes as the bus crosses into the city.

Nathan was right there when the bomb went off... it all happened so fast but seeing him there on the ground before the soldiers arrested me...

Her mind flashes back to the brief moment she got to see him: back flat against the wall motionless. Despite knowing he's alive and recovering, the thought that he almost died is enough to send an uncomfortable feeling deep into her stomach. It takes almost forty minutes between the late bus, and traffic as a result of various security checks from the attack yesterday, she finally arrives at the hospital that has a moderately high security presence with soldiers, and a handful of ATTF members patrol the parking lot checking vehicles.

Really? Checking vehicles at a hospital for bombs? Nate was hurt yeah, but the rebels have always avoided civilian buildings, especially hospitals and care facilities. Guess it's understandable but still...

She enters the hospital and checks with reception to see if visiting hours are allowed currently, the black haired woman on the opposite of the glass tells her they were briefly suspended because of the bombing but were allowed to resume with the additional security measures, she just had to fill out an entry forum with various information needed: Full name, time and date of the visit, and name of who she's visiting. She scans over the forum and all the details she has to fill out and is just shocked by it.

Are you fucking kidding me? We basically live in a Police State as it is but this is stupid.

She fills out the forum, gives it back to the receptionist and proceeds to the elevator, she steps into and presses the floor Nathan is on. The elevator stops and the door opens and she's greeted with the sight of two lightly armed MP's, she walks past them not even acknowledging them and walks straight heart races slightly as she nears his room. She opens the door and without hesitation when she sees he's awake rushes over wrapping her arms around him, he silently winces but Katlyn still hears it and releases her borderline bear hug realizing he may be a little tender still. She pulls away expecting to see a painful expression but instead she sees a slight smile clearly happy to see her. She returns the smile and takes a seat beside his bed getting a good look at the cuts and scrapes on his face, her smile slowly fades when she thinks about how much worse it could have been.

"Eh it could have been a lot worse, ya know? They saw it's better to be funny than funny looking so it's a good thing I still have my humour." He says with a chuckle, Katlyn's smile returns, making his widen a bit.

There's that lovely smile of hers.

"Guess the blast didn't hurt you bad enough to stop you from making stupid jokes." She says still smiling.

"Nah, it'll take more than that to stop me. maybe a rhino would do it." Katlyn laughs slightly as the very stupid remark.

The two laugh for a while before going into a normal conversation before Katlyn's phone starts going off with text message notifications.


Nathan asks who it was with a semi sarcastic tone knowing there's only one person they both know who'd be blowing up her phone like that, Katlyn looks at him and jokingly says, I'll give you a guess. He laughed lightly knowing he was right.

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