2. Pretty chains.

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Ri-an POV:

"Any classes left?" He-Ra asks me and Woo-Jin.
"I'm all done. You have one more right?" He asks me.
I look at my watch "at 4:00 social studies"
Woo-jins phone suddenly rings he picks it up and looks at it then smiles and leaves the room.
"Woo-jins so weird lately. He dating anyone?... and Jae-I ? Still ghosting you?" He-Ra asks me. I don't answer.
She comes over and sits next to me holding out her necklace for me to put on for her, she leans in close whilst I put it on.
"If you two haven't made up with each other, then maybe I should make a play for her king while the queen is away....how do I get that checkmate?" She says putting her hand on my leg "I worked out the whole break. Take a good look. Did my work pay off?"

"I don't even need to look. I'm well aware you're got a body models would kill for, so... stop messing around...you know who else has a good body..?" I lean back after finishing her necklace.
She looks at me ..."who?"
"The new transfer.. Ha-Yoon" I say looking at my watch.
"The newbie?? She caught your attention??" She asks shocked.
"No. She just has a good figure." I respond.
"Ahhh staying loyal to Jae-I ?" She asks knowing the mention of her name would annoy me since she has been ignoring my texts since she left for America.
He-Ra gets up and grabs her bag..
"Where you going?" I ask.
"I have plans... not fleeing from humiliation" she says and walks out.

A few days later.

Ha-Yoon POV:

I'm sat in class just fiddling with my pen waiting for Kang-Ha.
Ri-an and some of his friends walk in.. I didn't know he was in this class, I look and see he has a bandage wrapped around his hand...huh..strange.
He looks over at me before sitting down a few rows in-front of me, his friends give me a look as well before they sit down too. What is it with people and looking..I know I'm new but come on.
Then Kang-Ha walks in and sits next to me with a big smile.
"We have no special announcements" the teacher says.
Kang-Ha looks across the room at a girl I've never seen before today and waves. Where does her know her from? She doesn't wave back.
"Class president? Could you and I please have a word?" The teacher says and they leave.
Everyone starts moving around.
I turn to Kang-Ha
"Who's that girl?" I ask him
"Oh I saw her the other day whilst working at my part time job, she needed my shirt so I gave it to her." He says casually.
"You..you took your shirt off ? And gave it to someone you've never met before?" I ask him
"Yeah." He says
I look at him confused.
"Sorry, I have a question for you, class changes, how do you apply?" He asks a girl who was talking to her friends.
"What?" She says looking a bit offended.
"I heard there were classes like rowing and fencing but none on my schedule."
"Why are you asking me that?..ask your little friends." She says pointing at the people next to us and me.
He doesn't listen and pats the boys shoulder infront of us and asks him where to apply for classes.
"Kang-Ha!!" I say to him in a quiet whisper.

It's PE or atleast some of the boys are practicing whilst most people just sit on the benches and watch or do their own thing.
We are walking up to the benches to sit and start to walk up the stairs to higher benches.
I see Ri-an and Woo-Jin along with their friends they haven't seen me yet.
I hear one of the girls say "oh please tell me they aren't actually going to sit there."
I look back and see her looking at us then a few students run over to us "you crazy bastards" he says and he pushes us away and into one of the class rooms.

He pulls a chair forward and sits In front of us like an interrogation.
"A little birdie told me you guys are having a hard time learning your place here."
"We are?" Kang-Ha says
"Ri-an hadn't even left the assembly yet and you both stood up, Kang-Ha you tried to sit wherever you damn please, and today trying to sit on the stands?"
"We did..that was wrong?" Kang-Ha answers.
"Kang-Ha just leave it.." I say

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