8. A Soft.

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Ha-Yoons POV:

I'm walking to my class and I see..Woo-Jin.. with Miss Ji-Su m?? In a random room..I watch through the big class windows.
Woo-Jin turns around and looks at Miss Ji-Su...he keeps walking towards her slowly.. what is he doing ?
Then he grabs her chin lightly and kisses her.
I gasp loudly...
It must've been loud because Woo-Jin turns his head to where I'm standing and sees me with my hand over my mouth..
once I snap back into reality and realise he's seen me I start walking away like I didn't see anything.
Until I hear a door open and footsteps coming quickly after mine.
Then I feel a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around.
"Ha-Yoon" the voice says.
It's Woo-Jin
"I didn't see anything!" I say quickly without thinking.
He looks at my confused and raises his eyebrow "how did you know what I was going to ask if you didn't see anything?" He looks at me.."hm?" He says waiting for my answer.
"I-..okay..I saw but ..but I won't say anything!" I say looking at him.
He squints his eyes slightly before sighing and looking away..then he grabs both my shoulders and pushes me into the wall behind me then putting both his arms up behind my head.
"I don't..believe you." He whispers
I look at him closely since our faces are practically touching.
"I promise I won't say anything...who would I have to tell anyway.." I say trying to make him believe me.
"Mmm.." he nods "yeah..I suppose..you're not very popular here..and even if you told Ri-An..is he going to believe you?" He says grabbing my chin making me look at him.
"....no.." I say quietly.
"Okay..you can leave." He says moving away from the wall.
I quickly move and walk away not saying anything else.

It's now PE and the boys are in their uniform playing Rugby.
He-Ra told me to get changed into a cheerleading outfit even though I've never done cheerleading...ever.
We are cheering them on as they play against another team.
I see Woo-Jin with his helmet on and he looks at me before bringing a finger to his lips..motioning for me to stay quiet about what I saw.
"Okay okay let's go!"
"Let's go Jooshin!!"
"Let's go!!"
"Let's go Yun-Seok!!"
All the girls on cheerleading scream whilst they play.
I don't know what I'm doing so I just copy whatever He-Ra does.
Ri-An is running with the ball...he's so fast.
He makes it looks so effortless.
He dodges the other team.
Then when he almost gets to the finish..someone tries to trip him up causing me to gasp.
But he jumps over the guy...completely and lands winning the game.
He lets out a yell of success.
All the cheerleaders start cheering causing me to join in.
All the boys go over to Ri-An and hug him or cheer.
"Kim Ri-An!!"
"Kim Ri-An!!"
"Kim Ri-An!!"
The girls chant.
He starts walking towards us causing me to stop cheering.
He takes his helmet off getting closer.

Then he grabs the back of my neck pulling me in for a kiss..making me step back but his other arm wraps around my waist pulling me back in like I weight nothing.
His other hand also comes up to my neck then goes on my head deepening the kiss..not caring that other people are watching.
A curtain someone in particular.


Ri-An grabs my arms bringing them up to wrap around his shoulders then he puts his arms around my waist grabbing tightly.
I immediately forget the fact that he treats me like shit..and that he doesn't care about me unless Jae-I is there to watch.
Every kiss with him feels like the first kiss ever.
I feel my stomach doing flips as I feel his breath and smell his cologne on me.
His whole body close to mine.
I open my eyes slowly and see him open his eyes.
We stare at each other.
Then he grabs my head lightly and kisses my forehead.

Wow he's good at this fake dating.
To me forehead kisses mean more than normal kisses.
Normal kisses could be a dare or a drunk mistake or with someone you don't really care about.

But head kisses...
Normally mean something like a relationship or love.
Unless in this case where it's a fake relationship.

Once he lets go I walk off.
Slowly..not making a scene..just normally walking off.
I walk to the changing rooms.
I standing infront of the mirror holding onto the sink infront of it.
I turn on the tap and wash my face in the cold water..I got a bit of a hot flush from the kiss..
when I lift my head back up I see..
Stood behind me in the reflection of the mirror.
It makes me a jump a little bit.

"You okay? Ha-Yoon?" He asks just looking at me.
"I'm fine Kang-Ha." Not really wanting to talk to him after our last conversation.
"Having fun?" He asks again this time stepping closer.
I lean on the sink and respond.
Then he takes another step forward and puts both his hands on either side of the sink trapping me.
"I said...are you having fun?" He says in my ear..
I can feel his breath on my neck and his chin slightly grazing my face and then resting on my shoulder.
"What do you mean?" I ask trying not to be affected by him.
"I mean." He moves my hair from my ear and my shoulder with his hand slowly. "Are you having fun being Ri-Ans play toy?".
I look up at him in the mirror..I can't believe he said that.
"Excuse me?" I reply.
"I gotta say great acting..I believed every second of that kiss." He says smiling.
"Don't...speak so loud." I say quietly.
"Why? Not like anyone's here.." he says stepping forward again.
I then realise he's in the changing rooms..with me.
"Hm?" He says looking at me.
"Why are you in the girls changing rooms?" Expecting him to realise and leave.
But he just laughs.
I feel his breath on my shoulder as he leans over me..laughing slightly.
"Um Ha-Yoon.." he looks at me. "This is the men's changing room."

Thankyou for reading!!!
I know it's been so so so so so so so so so so so sooooooooooooooo long since I updated!!
I've been so so so busy but now I'm on holiday so my writing will get better and longer!!
Thankyou all for being so patient with me and waiting for my updates ❤️❤️
I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy 🩷💋

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