7. Sworn to secrecy

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Ha-Yoons POV:

I walk towards the school when a car pulls up.
My first thought it it's Jae-I but then...Kang-Ha....
Gets out the car...
Does someone up there hate me...
Shoving this in my face again.
I see Kang-Ha look at me..I keep looking at him.
Then he takes his hand out his pocket and holds Jae-I's hand.
My heart sinks.. I feel a shiver go up my spine..
He starts walking still holding Jae-I's hand and as he walks past me he just looks down at me.
Like id done something wrong..
what did I do to him??
There's people whispering and taking photos..
I feel tears in my eyes...I blink them away quickly.
I walk into school and start heading to class.
Then I see Jae-I and Kang-Ha and then have people carrying a chair into the special class room...
I go up to Kang-Ha and grab his arm pulling him away.
"What..what are you doing?" I ask him.
"What do you mean?" He says unbothered.
"Why are you going in there..?" I ask looking at him.
"Because..I'm with Jae-I..". He replies dryly.
"Kang-Ha... stop this now..it's gone too far.." I say
"Ha-Yoon..this..has nothing to do with you.." he says grabbing my hand and taking it off of his arm.
"What-" he interrupts me..
"So you...should leave." He says still holding my hand and looking at me.
I look at him in disbelief..
"You've changed...and not in a good way..it's this place..I know it..you've changed into a different person..Kang-Ha ..Jae-I...she doesn't care about you okay! She doesn't..it's fake! So she can get back to Ri-An!! I know because it's fake! I'm not dating him it's fake! It's a plan to get Jae-I back-" I stop.
Oh god..
Why did I say that.
No one was supposed to know.
"Huh...it's fake?" Kang-Ha raises his eyebrows.
"No..no" I shake my head.
He knows I'm lying..obviously I just admitted it!!
"Ha-Yoon.." he just looks at me after saying that.
"It's fake okay but you can't say anything to anyone! Please please! Not Jae-I, not Woo-Jin!! Not anyone okay! Even Ri-An." I beg him.
"What do I get in return?.." he asks slowly.
"W-what?" I look at him confused.
"Huh? What do I get?" He says again.
"What do you mean..?"
"What are you going to give me..for helping you..you know I don't like Ri-An..so why would I help you..for free when it also helps him."
"Because I'm your friend." I say hurt by his words.
"Are you?....im pretty sure you'd rather us be more than friends though..right?" He says looking at me.
I feel myself grow embarrassed and tense.
"What are you saying?"
"You know something..about this place..something that happened..but you haven't told anyone..even me...I want to know what." He says taking a step forward.
My face drops.
He can't.
He doesn't know.
He's lying!
He can't know!
"W-what are you on about..." I say trying to shake it off.
He walks closer so we are almost touching faces.
"I know you know something..I'll get it out of you." He says intimidatingly.
"Kang-Ha!" Jae-I calls for Kang-Ha to go into their lesson.
He turns to look at her and whilst he does I make my move to leave.
As I'm walking away I spot two people in a classroom.
Ew gross..get a room..a private room.
I look again and realise it's Woo-Jin and..
Suddenly they pull away from the kiss and I see it's

Miss Ji-Su?!!!!!


I gasp.
Causing them to both turn their heads towards me. I quickly start walking faster.
I walk to class and sit down like nothing happened.
Except a lot happened.
In the space of 10 minutes I found out my friend isn't my friend anymore and now he's mr popular...then I find out that there's a teacher going out with a student.
The rest of the class goes by quickly..i was just day dreaming the whole time.

I was asked to tidy up the sports hall.
Yay...lucky me.
I'm guessing this is another thing only scholarship students have to do.
Whilst I'm tidying I see Chan-Min and Kang-Ha walk in.
It's dark in the sports hall so they either haven't seen me or they don't know it's me.
"Spit it out. What do you want?" Kang-Ha says to him.
His tall frame towering over Chan-Mins.
Chan-Min doesn't say anything so Kang-Ha starts to walk out.
"Hey! I'm sorry..." Chan-Min says.
He then crouches down to his knees bowing to Kang-Ha.
"I didn't do it on purpose" he says
Kang-Ha looks down at him.
"What are you doing?"
"You already have an idea of my position here." Chan-Min states.
"All the things..I had no choice but to do to you." He continues.
"I want to apologise for them, I'm sorry."
Kang-Ha scoffs.
"Why?...because of Jae-I?" Kang-Ha questions.
At this point I'm finished with my cleaning up and head to the door.
As I'm walking I hear Kang-Ha.
"Ha-Yoon." Why..why does his voice have to be so nice.
I turn to look at them.
I walk over.
"What." I say to Kang-Ha.
"Hey! Gosh don't talk to him like that are you crazy! Get down.." Chan-Min says before grabbing my arm causing me to falls to my knees right below Kang-Ha.
I feel his gaze on mine..but he doesn't help me.
"Speak to him well.." Chan-Min whispers to me.
Before I can speak..I hear Kang-Ha sigh..then he slowly crouches down until he's at our level looking at us.
"I'm still a scholarship student..just like I was back then.." Kang-Ha states.
"This is just ridiculous..Chan-Min." He says bringing his finger over to my chin before lightly brushing it for a second.
I look up at him.
"My dad works for the Jaeyul group.....just...hit me." Chan-Min says to Kang-Ha causing me to stare at him in shock.
Kang-Ha scoffs laughing.
"Just beat me to a pulp!..I'll lie here like this. Stamp on me to your hearts content!!"
"Here hit me!!" Chan-Min says
Kang-Ha looks at me for a second.
"What's wrong? Do you need a club?" Chan-Min says before getting up and grabbing a club and giving it to Kang-Ha.

"Please just don't say anything bad about me to Jae-I" he says pleading and begging Kang-Ha.

"I guess no one around here has a spine." Kang-Ha says.
"If you did..you wouldn't have taken the lead of bullying someone....just because Ri-An's posse said a few words...don't you think."
Chan-Min looks up for a second then back down..he's obviously scared.
I get up.
Fed up
Of everyone and everything in this school.
Kang-Ha who was the nicest sweetest boy...it's now being bowed at and told to hit someone because they disrespected him.
And his response to all this is so minor.
Like he grew up with it.

Sorry not a lot happened this chapter but it's 3 am and I'm very tired 😭.
As always send comments and ideas for me to read.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway!!
I will try and update 2 times tomorrow so stay tuned 💖💖💖
Bye bye lovely'sxxxx

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway!! I will try and update 2 times tomorrow so stay tuned 💖💖💖Bye bye lovely'sxxxx

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