4. The lies you told.

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It's the next morning and I'm getting ready to go to school.
Yesterday keeps playing over and over in my head constantly...I can't stop thinking about the spiked drink, Kang-Ha's kiss...my...kiss.
Will Ri-An say anything to me? Did someone film it? Does everyone know?
My mind won't shut up.
I feel my phone buzz on my nightstand so I grab it and see a number I don't have saved.
Maybe it's a spam.
I ignore it.
It calls again.
It's a normal number but who would be calling me?
I pick up.
"Hello?" I say
"If you know what's good for you..you won't talk or have any interaction with Kang-Ha."
I immediately recognised the voice.
"What? Why?" I say
"Choose carefully what you do."
Then the call ends.
Who does he think he is..

I walk towards the school building and see Kang-Ha trying to talk to Tae-Ho but he shoves his off saying something before walking away looking very uncomfortable.
"Ha-Yoon!" I hear Kang-Ha call me and walk over to me.
"You okay?" He asks me
"Yes I'm fine focusing on walking.
"You sure?" He says
"Yes I'm..I'm sure"
"Is this about the kiss?..." he says causing me to stop walking.
"....what?" I look up at him.
"I mean..my kiss with Jae-Ji..is that why you're being funny with me?"
I scoff "ha..I don't care about your kiss...Kang-Ha..it's got nothing to do with me..you can kiss...who...ever...you...want." I start walking again.
"Okay well-"
"I'm fine. You kissed Jae-Jin..I kissed Ri-An..end of story." I say
"What? Huh ? You kiss Ri-An ? Why?"
"It was a party..a dare." I say with a shrug.
He just looks at me almost offended.
"I have to go now.." I walk off..I hope we don't stay mad at each other for a long time but for now...I just want to be on my own.

A hand grabs my arm dragging me backwards into a small room with lockers.
So much for wanting to be on my own..
"What..get off!!" I shove his hand off my arm.
They push my chest so my back hits the lockers.
I look up and see Ri-An.
"What..are you doing?" I ask
"Do you want your..life here to be difficult?" He says in a mono tone..which scares me.
"Why would I-"he cuts me off.
"I said do you want your life here to be difficult." He says standing closer.
I look at him not saying anything for a while.
"No." I say
"Then listen." He says in a sharp tone.
"You want me to stay away from him.. why?" I say
He steps forward more and puts both his arms next to my head trapping me in between his arms.
I look away from him only for him to grab my chin with his hand so I'm facing him.
"Because.i.said.so." He says slowly looking at me.
I think back to the fact I was told he killed someone..ended someone's life..for stepping out of bounds..I don't want to end up with the same fate.
Call me weak I don't care..
I nod slowly "okay."
"Good." He says letting go of my chin putting his hands in his pockets and looking at me.
"Now get out." He says looking at my lips then my eyes.
I waste no time to leave not looking back.

I walk out into the big sitting area they have in the school and start doing some work.
Yes I actually try in school and yes I'm smart, but I'm nothing compared to the people in this school.
I see Kang-Ha walking one way..he hasn't seen me yet..luckily..I don't know how I'm going to ignore him.
Then I see Ri-An and his group of friends..well I say friends but more like followers, walking towards Kang-Ha..everyone stopped and moved out the way talking and whispering to each other.
I see Kang-Ha bring his hands into fists by his side.
They stare at each other for what feels like hours, then Ri-An walks off his followers going after him.
I walk off too towards my class and sit down , I feel someone sit behind me..I don't look but I know it's Kang-Ha..he doesn't try and say anything to me..which bothers me..I know it shouldn't but it does.

Suddenly the door slams open causing me to flinch and look up to see Yun-Seok walk in and grab Chan-min pushing him to the back of the class and some other boys.
They are all stood against the wall whilst the rest of us are watching..apart from Kang-Ha.
"From this point forward.." Yun-Seok tells
"Any asshole that acknowledges the new scholarship student Kang-Ha..or even speak to him!..will be considered his equal." He roles his sleeves up.
"Chan-Min" Yun-Seok says kicking Chan-Mins leg.
"I shouldn't have to tell you to take care of these things...how much longer do I need to explain every damn thing??" He says in his face.
"I-I'm ashamed to call myself a s-senior..I was actually coming up with a plan to take c-care of him."Chan-Min stutters.
Then laughing is heard..we all look at see Kang-Ha laughing.
Why is he laughing like a crazy lunatic?....
"Seriously..who makes those kinds of plans in-front of the person?....right?" Kang-Ha laughs.
"You motherfucker! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?" Chan-Min swings his arm to punch Kang-Ha but Kang-Ha catches his arm and holds it up.
"Yun-Seok just told you not to speak to me..didn't you hear him?" Kang-Ha says with a smirk.
Chan-Min tries to get out of his grip
"This crazy fucker."
Kang-Ha pushes his arm down and stands up still holding his arm causing Chan-Min to yelp in pain.
"Chan-Min I'm not the one you should be hitting...it should be Yun-Seok..right?"
"My fucking bones!! You son of a bitch! The hell are you guys doing!"
I see Jae-I walk in..and Kang-Ha's eyes follow her.
He then pushes Chan-Min away and starts walking towards her..I feel a sense of jealousy like a tight feeling in my chest..why? Why do I feel like this??
"Fuck!!" Chan-Min screams before punching Kang-Ha right in the face.
I put my hands on my mouth in shock.
"What is going on?!" The teacher walks in.
"A senior? What are you doing here?" She says
Everyone starts going back to their seats and Chan-Min walks out of class..
Kang-Ha pulls on his collar on his shirt and goes to sit down not before making eye contact with me..then I look away.
Why does he have to cause trouble..I know it's not his fault he's the scholarship kid but so am I and I've managed to stay out of trouble as much as I can..the only trouble I've had it because of him.. if he just stays away from Jae-I and stop aggravating Ri-An then it would all be fine.
Then he can be with me-wait..no I didn't mean that..I don't like him..like that..we were friends and now we aren't. That's it.

That's all.

Thankyou!! For reading today's chapter!!
So sorry it took a bit longer this time, I've been really busy but I still try and write every day.
I hope you like this chapter please let me know what you think of it !!
I will make a tiktok soon and let you guys know the name so you can follow and give me more ideas on TikTok!!
Thankyou again for reading and I will respond to all your comments!!! <333

 I hope you like this chapter please let me know what you think of it !! I will make a tiktok soon and let you guys know the name so you can follow and give me more ideas on TikTok!! Thankyou again for reading and I will respond to all your commen...

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E.writer🖤- Whteverwhnever
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