3. Truth or dare?

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Me and Kang-Ha arrive at this massive house and we can hear the music blaring from inside.
He looks over at me "um that skirts a bit..short"
I look at him "yeah well..I wanted to dress up so I did" he is right tho..it's really short I didn't realise until we got into the car..
"Atleast I didn't wear my uniform to a party..." I say joking and bump his arm with mine.
He laughs "aha very funny-
"Electronic devices are not permitted, your cell phone and other devices will be returned to you when you leave." The bodyguard says as we walk up the stairs.
I look at him confused..why aren't we allowed electronic devices?....
"Oh..okay" Kang-Ha says he then looks at me for me to give him my phone, I pass my phone over to him and then he puts both our phones in the box.
We continue walking up the stairs and around the house to the back garden which is almost as big at the house.. there's loads of people making out and they have barely any clothes on.
"So much for my skirt being too short huh?" I tell Kang-Ha as he looks around.
Then Chan-min appears "woah..this asshole came!!, just cuz you were invited? dude!!" He laughs "move aside" he walks off obviously drunk and we keep walking, some people staring at us and laughing... making me feel insecure about my outfit even though that's probably not why they are laughing.
"What the heck..they actually came?." Some boy says as he walks past.
That's when we walk to where He-Ra is dancing on the table she's wearing an amazing red dress much shorter than mine..
I also see Ye-Ji, Ba-Da and Yun-Seok in the crowd of people and they haven't realised we have arrived.
"Oh He-Ra she's so pretty" Ye-Ji says.
I see Woo-Jin sat down vaping, he was looking at He-Ra but then his eyes turn to me..he looks shocked for a second as his eyes trail my outfit before he smirks.
"You're finally here, our guests of honour!!" He-Ru says to us.
"They actually came?" Ba-Da says.
"They have some nerve" Ye-Ji says.
"Tonight's going to be so much fun!!" Ye-Ji says.
"Sit down." He-Ra says to us
I see Kang-Ha move to sit down on one of the sofas so I follow him only for Ye-Ji and Ba-Da to sit next to him instead meaning I've been pushed up next to Woo-Jin.
"Hey" Woo-jin says
I look at him "hi", I must say he is attractive they all are this school is full of attractive people but he also scares me..and if what Cha-Min said is true and Ri-An did kill someone then we shouldn't be hanging around any of them.
He leans his arm back against the sofa behind me
"All right, should we officially get the welcome party underway?" He-Ra says causing everyone to cheer.
"Start by with the welcome drink?" She says with an evil look.
Woo-Jin shifts so he's now got his arm around me.
"It's like a lucky draw...it's tradition at scholarship student welcome parties." She says
"A lucky draw?" Kang-Ha says.
"Five of these shots are regular alcohol..but one is something seriously incredible."she says
"Incredible?" I ask.
"You'll know if you drink it" she says looking at me.
I look away, I don't want to play this stupid game, she definitely did something to those drinks.
"I'll choose first!" She says then picks up the red shot..the only red shot.
"It's regular booze" she says then people cheer.
Then she looks at Kang-Ha
"I-uh I don't drink." He says
She then looks at me..
"Go on." Woo-Jin says to me I look at him then He-Ra before leaning forward to grab a drink...
Suddenly Kang-Ha leans forward and grabs the drink before I can touch it..
"Kang-Ha.." I say warning him to stop since he doesn't drink.
People chant to Kang-Ha
I go to stand up to stop him but get pulled back by Woo-Jin landing next to him but on his chest.
"Leave it..let him drink" he says to me
He starts to drink it.
"There he goes !!"
"There you go!!"
People shout
He then sits down with a disgusted look from the alcohol.

A while later I'm looking at Kang-Ha and he's not looking good at all, he's leaning on his hand and can't keep his eyes open.
"Kang-Ha?" I call to him.
He doesn't answer
"Kang-Ha!" I call again louder
He looks at me then tries to get up but falls and knocks over a tray of drinks
I run over to him "Kang-Ha!!..what's wrong??"
He looks like he's going to be sick, he gags a bit
"Omg Kang-Ha let's go to the bathroom" I hold his arm to keep him up, his hand on my waist to support himself and I lead him to the bathroom.

In the bathroom I dab his face with a cold peace of wet paper as he leans on the sink.. after a while I ask him
"Do you feel better now?" His breathing is back to normal and he's getting more colour back to his face.
"Y-yeah...thankyou" he says looking in the mirror.
"She did something to all those drinks..it wasn't a lucky draw..she's lying" I said angry
"Come on let's go back" he says to me grabbing my hand.
"What?  Go back? Why can't we leave the party? She just drugged you and you want to stay?" I say confused.
"Look if we go back then we can stay on their good side" he says
"Well I don't want to be on their good side..they aren't good people!! I don't care if I never speak to them again in fact I would prefer that!" I say angry..
"Stop!" He yells..I freeze
"Just stop..stop complaining..this is just how it goes in this school okay?" He says looking at me.

We end up back at the party sat on the sofas again, they are playing truth or dare..if you don't answer or do the dare you have to drink.
These games never go well.
They span the spinner and it landed on Kang-Ha..great.
"Scholarship kid!"
"Finally, the newbies turn.. are there any girls here you'd want to sleep with?" She asks..
I stare at her ...why would she ask that..I don't know why I'm surprised.
"Choose wisely, if you single someone out it might happen" Yun-Seok asks.
"Maybe even Ha-Yoon" I look up after he says my name..
I look at him disgusted.."what?"
"Come on your saying you two are friends and you've never done anything?" He asks
"No we haven't." I say fast.
"Truth....no dare." Kang-Ha says
"Dare? Okay mmm, French kiss one of the girls here for three minutes." One of the girls say.
"Ohh French kiss?" Yun-Seok says
"French kiss!"
"French kiss!"
"French kiss!"
"French kiss!"
Kang-Ha stands up suddenly, he looks at the girls slowly..then stops his eyes on me... I look at him shocked..
This lasts for about 3 minutes.
Then he walks off.
"What the heck?"
"Where are you going?" People say.
"Let's follow him"
"Let's go"
"Wait for us"
I stay I can't be bothered, I just want to go home now.
"Let's go." I look up and see Woo-Jin.
"Ahh I'm okay" I say to him with a small smile
He looks fed up because sighing and grabbing my arm.
"Hey!" He pulls me up off the sofa "let go!"
"Shut up and walk will you" he says pulling me along with him.
We walk in silence following the crowd of people into the house, we end up at a door with a group of people standing at.
"Move! Out the way!" Woo-Jin says to the people pulling me through with him still holding my arm as we get to the front and I see Kang-Ha walking towards Je-Ji, Ri-An is in that room too looking at Kang-Ha
"What the hell are you doing here?" Ri-An yells and I see Kang-Ha close his fists together.
He suddenly walks towards Jae-i and pulls her into a kiss.
The dare.
I feel my heart drop, I don't know why but it hurt watching him kiss her.
Their mouths move together whilst everyone is watching, I look away from them.
I look at Ri-An to see him looking like he wants to kill Kang-Ha.
Then I feel Woo-Jin shake my arm.
"Hey this one never got a dare." He says looking at me.
"Huh?" I say
He smirks. " I dare you......." He looks at Ri-An
"to French Kiss Ri-An."
I look at him eyes wide
I look and see Ri-An is now looking at us
Then he starts walking towards us
No no
He walks over and looks at me, I snatch my arm from Woo-Jins grip.
"Nod if you agree to the dare." Ri-An says..no emotion in his voice.
I feel my breath get heavier...then I look at Kang-Ha kissing Jae-i...
I look back at Ri-An and nod slowly.
He doesn't waste any time to grab the back of my head and pull our faces together and kisses me.
I step back from the impact only to hit Woo-Jins back.
I feel Ri-An wrap his arm around my waist.
I feel his tongue in my mouth, it's a good kiss..I'm liking the kiss...I know I shouldn't but I do, then he pulls away still holding the back of my head...I feel my makeup smeared around my lips..then he lets go and walks out the room not saying another word.

Why did I do that ???

Woo-Jin leans down and says into my ear.
"You and your little friend will regret ever stepping foot in this place."


Thankyou for reading this chapter!!
I promise I'm working on the next chapter, I pretty much start writing a new chapter as I finish the last one.
I hope you liked it, as always leave comments and I'll respond!!
Sorry I didn't go into much detail with the kiss, I wasn't sure whether people would want smut or detail with this book so I didn't add much but let me know if you guys want that!!

Guys should I make a tiktok account for my wattpad stories??

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